Current Openings

If you are considering an academic position at Simon Fraser University, check out the Faculty Relations website, or, if you have general questions regarding the appointment process for academic appointments, email Faculty Relations at

Current Available Administrative Appointments

Current Available Faculty Positions

Please note that not all faculty positions available at SFU are currently posted at this site. If there are no positions listed for your disciplinary area, please check with the Department of interest.

Collection Notice (All applicants please read this notice)

Personal information which is included with an application for an academic appointment is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, University Policies A10.01 Academic Appointments, A10.02 Technical Appointments and Procedures, and A10.06 Appointment of Specially Funded University Chairs, University Professors and Research Fellows, and the SFU Faculty Association/SFU Collective Agreement.

The information is related directly to and needed by the University to operate its academic personnel management program and appointment competitions. The information will be used to process applications for academic appointments, assess an applicant's qualifications, determine if a recommendation to appoint an applicant has the demonstrated support of the department and make a final appointment decision. Some information will be carried forward to the successful applicant’s personnel file.

Each academic unit has its own internal search procedures which means the information may be disclosed to some or all of the following groups within a department: Deans, Associate Deans, Division Heads, Chairs, Directors, Search Committee members, all faculty members, students, and administrative staff.

If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information please contact the Director of Faculty Relations, Office of the Provost and Vice President, Academic, If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information by the unit to which you have applied, please be in touch with the identified contact person for the search.