1. Run a trial session with an experienced user
You can arrange to run one of your samples. Talk to or email Prof. Karen Kavanagh ( Discuss Your Project: Ask whether our microscopes can do the job? Would another scope be a better choice? How will you prepare your sample for TEM.
2. Start using the facility
Once you are ready to try an instrument yourself, register with the science stores, so that you can be added to the facility user list, and record your hours used. Initially you will work with someone more experienced until we are sure that you can operate without damaging either yourself or the instrument. There are documents called "Standard Operting Procedures" (SOP) found on each instruments' computer to help remind users on correct operation. You will need to apply for a 4D Labs key card from the receptionist to gain access to the lab.
Basic TEM skills: Novice TEM users typically start with the Hitachi TEM since it is easier to learn and more resistant to errors. Once this is understood, then they graduate to the Tecnai.
Basic STEM skills: The Tecnai offers scanning TEM including HAADF, and EDS, in addition to TEM imaging and diffraction like the Hitachi.
Advanced STEM skills: With the above experience the advanced user can proceed to also learn EELS, EFTEM, electron holography, and Lorentz microscopy, if required.