Welcome to the Electron Imaging and Holography Facility
June 15, 2017 - EIH Facility Established:
1. What is EIHF?
The Electron Imaging and Holography Facility, housed within the 4D Labs Nanoimaging Facility, operates a Helium ion microscope (HIM, Zeiss Nanofab), and an electron microscope both purchased via CFI funding (2003: Tecnai F20 and 2016: HIM). A 2nd TEM (Hitachi 8000) is now housed in the Physics Shrum Science Builiding (Rm 8414). The EIHF electron microscopes have capabilties not available in the newer instruments managed by 4D Labs, including:
- Lorentz imaging of magnetic materials.
- Electron Holography. Electrons speed up and change their phase while passing through your sample. This information is lost in normal images but retreived using holography. The phase change is proportional to thickness, magnetization, and potential gradients.
2. Academic Rates:
- HIM and Hitachi TEM - $10/hour
- Tecnai STEM - $15/hour
- Cap: Maximum of $3000/year per PI (any number of students)
Physical Location: Technology & Science Complex (TASC2) West Wing, 4D Labs Rm 6120 Entrance through 7000 level.
Mailing Address: EIH Facility, Physics Dept.
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6