Leith Davis
- BA (Saskatchewan)
- MA, PhD (Berkeley)
Leith is the author of Acts of Union: Scotland and the Negotiation of the British Nation (Stanford UP, 1998) and Music, Postcolonialism and Gender: The Construction of Irish Identity, 1724-1874 (Notre Dame UP, 2005) as well as the co-editor of Scotland and the Borders of Romanticism (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2004); Robert Burns and Transatlantic Culture (Ashgate, 2012); and the International Companion to Scottish Literature of the Long Eighteenth Century (ASLS, 2021). Her most recent book, entitled Mediating Cultural Memory in Britain and Ireland From the 1688 Revolution to the 1745 Jacobite Rising (Cambridge UP, 2022), explores the articulation of British national sites of cultural memory within the context of the shifting media ecology of the eighteenth century. She is a co-founder of the Department of English's MA with Specialization in Print Culture and currently serves as Director of Simon Fraser University's Research Centre for Scottish Studies Centre. Leith is also PI for two Digital Humanities projects: Reconstructing Early Circus: Entertainments at Astley's Amphitheatre and Robert Forbes's Lyon in Mourning Manuscript: A Digital Humanities Project.
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