Michelle Levy
Areas of interest
Michelle Levy specializes in Romantic literary history, print and manuscript culture, women’s book history, and digital humanities.
- BA, JD, MA (Toronto)
- PhD (UCLA)
Michelle Levy is the co-editor of the Broadview Reader in Book History (with Tom Mole, 2014); the co-author of Broadview Introduction to Book History (with Tom Mole, 2017); and is a contributor to the Multigraph Collective’s Interacting with Print: Elements of Reading in the Era of Print Saturation (2018).
Her first book, Family Authorship and Romantic Print Culture (Palgrave, 2008), explores the conjunction of authorship and family life as a distinctive cultural formation of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. Her most recent monograph, Literary Manuscript Culture in Romantic Britain (Edinburgh University Press, 2020), describes how the practices of manuscript production and circulation interacted with an expanding print marketplace to nurture and transform the period’s literary culture.
Other recent publications include: How and Why to Do Things with Eighteenth Century Manuscripts, co-written with Betty A. Schellenberg (Cambridge University Press, 2021); the spring 2021 Special Issue of the Huntington Library Quarterly, on “Women in Book History, 1660-1830,” which she also edited with Professor Schellenberg; and the winter 2021 Special Issue of Studies in Romanticism, on “Romantic Women and their Books,” co-edited with Andrew Stauffer.
Michelle Levy also directs the Women’s Print History Project, 1750-1830, a comprehensive bibliographical database of women’s books.
This instructor is currently not teaching any courses.