Media articles


  1. Jennifer Fang. China’s tobacco industry is building schools and no one is watching. The Conversation. 11 August 2019.
    Reprinted by SBS Australia 17  August; Tobacco companies in China are opening schools, and the Chinese welcome it, The Print
    (New Delhi) 15 August; Een tabaksfabrikant die een basisschool sponsort: in China is het normaal, Mondiaal Nieuws (Belgium);
    たばこ会社が教育を支援「喫煙大国」中国の危ない実情 Newsweek Japan 27 August 2019.


  1. Benoît Gomis. How Paraguay dumps billions of illicit cigarettes on the global market. The Conversation 16 December, 2018.
    Reprinted in National Post 17 December, 2018.
  2. Julia Smith, Ben Hawkins, Jappe Eckhardt, Ross MacKenzie. Big Tobacco's opposition to plain packaging is spin,
    not substance. The Conversation, 23 September 2018: reprinted in The National Post 24 September; The Huffington Post
    The Hamilton Spectator, The Niagara Falls Review and 25 September.
  3. Ross MacKenzie. Myanmar’s public health could go up in smoke: Big Tobacco returns following the lifting of sanctions.
    Asian Correspondent 27 June, 2018.
  4. Julia Smith . "It's time for Malawi to quit tobacco". The Conversation. 30 May 2018.
  5. Kelley Lee. Stephanie Nixon. “Commentary:  Canada has an opportunity to lead the G7 on global health equity,”
    Toronto Star
    , 27 February 2018.


  1. Benoît Gomis. What does the Trump era mean for drug policy in Latin America? World Politics Review 28 March 2017.
  2. Ross MacKenzie. Four reasons the Australian government should consider litigation against tobacco companies.
    The Conversation  20 November 2017.
  3. Ross MacKenzie. Podcast; Legal does not mean unaccountable: Suing tobacco companies to recover health care costs.
    Medical Journal of Australia
    20 November 2017. 
  4. Ross MacKenzie. Champix’s effectiveness is questionable and safety record is concerning.
    The Conversation. 24 November 2017.

             Ross MacKenzie, Ben Hawkins. How e-cigarettes could ‘health wash’ the tobacco industry
            The Conversation
1 December 2016.

            Ross MacKenzie, Wendy Rogers. GP Guide is wrong: patches and meds no better than cold turkey quitting.
           The Conversation 4 May 2015; Australian Doctor 7 May 2015


  1. Tomas Novotny research press release: Cigarette Butt Pollution Project, World Environment Day:
    Addressing Cigarette Butt Waste, San Diego. 5 June 2014.
  2. Thomas Novotny. Time to kick cigarette butts – they’re toxic trash. New Scientist. 25 June 2014.
  3. Wayne Hall, Ross MacKenzie. Viewpoints: should Australia lift its ban on e-cigarettes?
    The Conversation
    27 August 2014; Australian Doctor 28 August 2014.
  4. Kelley Lee. News analysis. Canada:Twisting the legacy name. Tobacco Control. September 2014; 23(5):372-3.
  5. Ross MacKenzie, Benjamin Hawkins, Thomas Novotny. Health risks of nicotine cast doubt on ‘safer’ e-cigarette.
    The Conversation
    18 November 2014; Australian Doctor 19 November 2014.


  1. MacKenzie R. Nicotine replacement therapy isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
    The Conversation
    19 February 2013.
  2. MacKenzie, R. Total smoking bans aren’t the answer to better prisoner health.
    The Conversation
    11 November 2013; SBS online news 11 November 2013.