Lauren Faulkner Rossi

Assistant Professor
Office: AQ 6011

Areas of Study: EUROPE


Future courses may be subject to change.


Lauren Faulkner Rossi completed her Ph.D. at Brown University in Rhode Island, and from 2009 until 2014 was an assistant professor of history at the University of Notre Dame. Her first book, Wehrmacht Priests (2015), explores the motivations of German Catholic priests and seminarians who were conscripted into the military during the Second World War. In 2017 she co-edited Lessons and Legacies XII: New Directions in Holocaust Research and Education with Wendy Lower. She is currently working on revising the 4th edition of Martin Kitchen's History of Modern Germany (forthcoming, 2022) and assisting a Holocaust child survivor to write her memoirs.

Research Interests

Modern Germany, modern Europe, modern Christianity/Church history, post-1945 Franco-German rapprochement, comparative genocide, religion and genocide.

Selected Works Published

  • “Franz Stock and the ‘Barbed-Wire Seminary’ at Le Coudray, France”, Contemporary Church History Quarterly 19/1 (March 2013).
  • Invited Book Review, “Survivors: Jewish Self-Help and Rescue in Nazi-Occupied Western Europe, by Bob Moore,” Journal of Modern History (March 2012).
  • Invited Book Review, “Model Nazi: Arthur Greiser and the Occupation of Western Poland, by Catherine Epstein,” Holocaust and Genocide Studies 25/3 (Winter 2011).
  •  “Catholic Priests as German Soldiers: Georg Werthmann and the Military Chaplaincy under the Third Reich,” Contemporary European History 19/1 (January 2010).


  • ISLA Large Research Grant, University of Notre Dame, November 2012.
  • Francis Kobayashi Research Travel Grant, Office of Research, University of Notre Dame, April 2011.
  • Research Grant, Institute for the Study of Liberal Arts, University of Notre Dame, April 2011.
  • Richard M. Hunt Fellowship from the American Council on Germany, June 2009.
  • Dissertation Fellowship, Brown University, August 2008.
  • Teaching Fellowship, Brown University, August 2008.
  • Brown University Travel Fellowship, May 2006.
  • Humboldt University Exchange Fellowship, April 2006.
  • Simon Fraser University Graduate Fellowship, January 2003.