Gerin-Lajoie, Guy (2017) Fabricating a Northern Vernacular, IN Many Norths: Spatial Practice in a Polar Territory, edited by Lola Sheppard and Mason White, Actar Publishers, pp. 158-163 summary
Keywords: architecture and design, Nunavut, sustainability
Lauster, Nathanael and Frank Tester (2010) Culture as a problem in linking material inequality to health: on residential crowding in the Arctic, Health & Place 16(3): 523-530 summary
Keywords: children and youth, crowding, gender, health, Nunavut, resettlement
Légaré, André (2009) Nunavut, the unfulfilled dream: the arduous path toward socio-economic autonomy, The Northern Review 30: 207-240 summary
Keywords: children and youth, crowding, health, mental health, Nunavut, social housing
Morin, Alexandre, Roberson Edouard, and Gérard Duhaime (2010) Beyond the harsh: objective and subjective living conditions in Nunavut, Polar Record 46(237): 97-112 summary
Keywords: crowding, housing conditions, Nunavut, planning
Patton, A. Katherine
Keywords: architecture and design, gender, Inupiat, Nunavut, prehistory, Thule Inuit
Tester, Frank J. (2009) Iglutaasaavut (our new homes): neither “new” nor “ours”: housing challenges of the Nunavut Territorial Government, Journal of Canadian Studies 43(2): 137-158 summary
Keywords: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, crowding, history of housing policy, homeownership, Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (IQ), Nunavut, Nunavut Housing Corporation, social housing