
Briggs, Jean. L. (1998) Inuit Morality Play: the emotional education of a three-year-old. Yale University Press, New Haven     summary
   Keywords: camp lifeQipisaqarmaq

Cameron, Emilie (2015) Far Off Metal River: Inuit lands, settler stories, and the makings of the contemporary Arctic, UBC Press, Vancouver  summary

Collings, Peter F. (2014) Becoming Inummarik: Men’s Lives in an Inuit Community, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal     summary
    Keywords: gender, homeownership, Housing Assistance Program, resettlement, social housing, Ulukhaktok (Holman), wage labour

Condon, Richard G. (1983) Inuit Behavior and Seasonal Change in the Canadian Arctic, UMI Research Press Ann Arbor       summary
    Keywords: health, seasonal patterns of activity, social housingUlukhaktok (Holman)

Condon, Richard G. (1987) Inuit Youth: Growth and Change in the Canadian Arctic, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ summary
    Keywords: architecture and design, children and youth, crowding, Northwest Territories Housing Corporation, resettlement, social housingUlukhaktok (Holman)

Condon, Richard G. with Julia Ogina and the Holman Elders (1996) The Northern Copper Inuit: A History, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman   summary

Graburn, Nelson H. H. (19) Eskimos without Igloos: Social and economic development in Sugluk, Little Brown, Boston          summary

Lee, Molly and Greg A. Reinhardt (2003) Eskimo Architecture: Dwelling and Structure in the Early Historic Period, University of Alaska Press, Fairbanks     summary
    Keywords: architecture and design, Circumpolar Northseasonal patterns of activity

Matthiasson, John S. (1992) Living on the Land: Change among the Inuit of Baffin Island, Broadview Press, Peterborough, ON         summary
    Keywords: camp life, gender, qarmaq, Pond Inletresettlement, social housingtents

Tester, Frank J. and Peter Kulchyski (1994) Tammarniit (Mistakes), University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver    summary
    Keywords: Arviat (Eskimo Point), health, housing conditions, indoor air quality, resettlement, Resolute Bay, shack housing, tuberculosis, Whale Cove

Vallee, Frank G. (1967[1962]) Kabloona and Eskimo, Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Ottawa        summary
    Keywords: Baker Lakeemployment, Northern Co-ordination and Research Centreresettlement, shack housingtents

Salliut in 1959, photo by Nelson Graburn, used with permission