Holding Space for Community

SFU Public Square holds space for SFU and its communities to learn together and work towards equitable and sustainable solutions to our world's complex challenges.

You are welcome here.

Upcoming Events

  • Sovereignty First: Tackling the White Possessive in an Era of ‘Collaboration’

    Equity + Justice, 2024, Indigenous Voices, Uphold Truth and Reconciliation

    Euro-Western institutions claim to be uplifting and celebrating Indigenous peoples and ideas more than ever, yet reconciliatory and recognition-based frameworks still undermine Indigenous sovereignty. This event will unpack the 'white possessive' disguised as collaboration to maintain its control over Indigenous lands, relations, and existence.

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  • Spotlights: Misinformation and the Overdose and Opioid Crisis

    2024, Health, Media + Information, Engage in Global Challenges, Make a Difference for B.C.

    We're teaming up with Science World for a thought-provoking panel discussion on addressing misinformation surrounding the overdose and opioid public health emergency in B.C. Our expert panelists will delve into the latest research, scientific insights, and community-based learnings to address common misconceptions and foster informed dialogue.

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  • This too, belongs


    By Janet Webber

    In the back to school tradition of the ‘what I did this summer’ essay, SFU Public Square's Executive Director has written a blog reflecting on a special journey of coming home she took this August. This personal piece reflects on her experience at a meditation retreat, the lessons she learned, and how she will carry them with her into the fall.

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