Upcoming Events

  • Sovereignty First: Tackling the White Possessive in an Era of ‘Collaboration’

    Equity + Justice, 2024, Indigenous Voices, Uphold Truth and Reconciliation

    Euro-Western institutions claim to be uplifting and celebrating Indigenous peoples and ideas more than ever, yet reconciliatory and recognition-based frameworks still undermine Indigenous sovereignty. This event will unpack the 'white possessive' disguised as collaboration to maintain its control over Indigenous lands, relations, and existence.

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  • Spotlights: Misinformation and the Overdose and Opioid Crisis

    2024, Health, Media + Information, Engage in Global Challenges, Make a Difference for B.C.

    We're teaming up with Science World for a thought-provoking panel discussion on addressing misinformation surrounding the overdose and opioid public health emergency in B.C. Our expert panelists will delve into the latest research, scientific insights, and community-based learnings to address common misconceptions and foster informed dialogue.

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