Animal Care Committee

On this page:

UACC Policies and Procedures Regarding Application or Amendment Submission
About the UACC
Additional Information

Principal Investigators (PIs) who consider it necessary to use vertebrates or cephalopods in their research, teaching or testing in the laboratory or in the field, must first apply to the UACC for an animal care protocol. Only when approval is granted may the research involving use of animals begin.

PIs are responsible for adhering to CCAC Guidelines and should be familiar with CCAC's Ethics of Animal Investigation. Applications that have not been Peer Reviewed for scientific merit must have an independent Peer Review completed, which is facilitated by the Office of the Vice President, Research and Innovation (VPRI).

  • You can start the process for scientific merit review by emailing
  • For questions regarding animal care protocol submissions, please contact

PIs are reminded to download an application form from this site for each submission. Electronic submissions (in Word) should be emailed to  


Meetings are held on the last Tuesday of every month (with possible exemptions for August and December). The deadline for protocol submission is 4:00pm, 2 weeks prior to the next scheduled UACC meeting. Late submissions will not be reviewed until the following meeting.


Animal welfare assessment forms

UACC Policies and Procedures Regarding Application or Amendment Submission

Please carefully take note of the following UACC policies and procedures as your application or amendment may not be accepted if it does not meet these requirements.

  1. An application or amendment must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the next upcoming UACC meeting.
  2. Your application or amendment will only be processed when a signed copy is received by the UACC Coordinator.
  3. Please submit all applications and amendments electronically, to the UACC Coordinator, at
  4. Only the most recent versions of the application and amendment forms will be accepted.

About the UACC

SFU conducts research, teaching, or testing that involves the use of animals. The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) Guide to the Care and Use of Experimental Animals requires the university to establish a University Animal Care Committee (UACC). The functions of the UACC are specified in the following Terms of Reference, as defined by the CACC, but not limited to them.

  • The UACC reports directly to the VPRI.
  • The UACC shall consider and advise the VPRI on facilities and practices at SFU relating to the care and use of experimental animals in research and teaching.
  • The UACC ensures that the 3R's (Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement) are considered for every project involving the use of animals and that these principles are upheld to minimize the number of animals used at SFU.

The UACC also:

  1. Evaluates proposed procedures for the use of experimental animals;
  2. Ensures adequacy of facilities for care of experimental animals;
  3. Develops and implements, as appropriate, policies and standards of the UACC, with the CCAC guidelines as the minimum standards;
  4. Assures that technical staff and others involved in the care and use of experimental animals are adequately trained;
  5. Ensures that the institution works with the UACC to ensure that all animal users and caregivers are informed of, and comply with, institutional animal care use and policies; and
  6. Regularly reviews its Terms of Reference (as per Section 5a) and forwards recommendations of any changes to the Office of the VPRI.

Additional Information

Canadian Council on Animal Care
The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) is a not-for-profit organization, created in 1968 to oversee the ethical use and care of animals in science (research, teaching and testing) throughout Canada.

Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement
The Three Rs concept originated from the scientific community and is a widely accepted cornerstone of policies on animal-based science around the world. Ethical animal use requires consideration of animal welfare needs.

Categories of Invasiveness
The use of animals in research, teaching, and testing is acceptable ONLY if it promises to contribute to understanding of fundamental biological principles, or to the development of knowledge that can reasonably be expected to benefit humans or animals.