Faith Gatherings

The Multifaith Centre is a busy place with lots of ways you can join in. Check out the various faith events and ways you can get involved.

Join in. Learn about Faith. Find your Community.


When Muslims congregate for congregational devotion during Friday midday prayer, it is known as “Jummah.”  Find out where and when you can attend during the semesters.

Learn More

Catholic Mass

When Catholics go to Church they are going to a liturgical worship service that is commonly called a "Mass." Check out the Mass Schedule on campus to find our where you can attend.

Mass Schedule

More Faith Events

There is lots going on across the faith traditions at the centre and you can join in. Check out the events and connect with the faith communities today.


Multifaith Gatherings

Each semester the Centre comes together to host Multifaith events. These range from faith advocay events, like our Annual Non Violence Day, to social events like our Dinner on Christmas Eve to create community food security during the winter break.

Join us for our next event!

  • Ch'an & Chat

    Burnaby, Multifaith, Prayer, Vancouver, Buddhism, Faith Gathering, Social Event

    Join us for mindfulness meditation practices (Ch'an) and sharing (Chat) once a month in Burnaby & Vancouver

  • Alpha

    Burnaby, The Point, Multifaith, UCM

    Alpha is a series of sessions exploring faith. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation.

  • Serenity on the Mountain

    Burnaby, Online, Multifaith, Small Group

    A meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous is at SFU Burnaby. Anyone with a desire to stop drinking is welcome, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, income or profession.

  • Community Connect

    Burnaby, Social Event, Multifaith, Islam, Christianity, Judaism , Small Group, Surrey

    Find your faith community. Drop in for a social event with a faith group today. Check out one that suits you.

  • Morning Meditation

    Burnaby, Multifaith, Prayer

    The Multifaith Centre offers a space for quiet self-guided morning meditation and prayer from 9:30 - 11am