Collaborate with SFU

Innovative Pathways: Collaborative Progress

Navigating the path from a groundbreaking concept in the laboratory to a market-ready product that enhances lives is a complex and multi-dimensional journey. The TLO offers assistance in establishing versatile, ongoing and multifaceted partnerships between industry, government, non-profit entities and SFU's research endeavours.


At the TLO, licensing goes beyond transactions. We foster ongoing engagement with our licensees and prioritize agreements that rapidly and effectively commercialize useful research for the public's benefit. The TLO can accommodate a range of licensing alternatives, including Options, exclusive, non-exclusive and other limited licences, depending on the circumstances. 

We appreciate that each negotiation is unique—our priority is to establish terms that are fair and personalized for the technology and the sector. If you wish to access or license an SFU technology, please contact the TLO.

Industry Sponsored Research

Sponsoring research at SFU is one of the most impactful ways for industries to extend support to the university's academic endeavors. In the collaborative process, a for-profit company offers funding to SFU to facilitate research conducted by a specific researcher or research team.

The TLO and SFU Research Services work closely with the researchers and the company to outline the project's scope of work and jointly create a contractual agreement. This contract explicitly details various aspects of the relationship, such as intellectual property rights, confidentiality, publication permissions and more.

If you need assistance identifying an SFU researcher who can address your needs, please contact the TLO.

Invest in SFU Startups

We are continuously seeking to establish collaborations with forward-thinking companies and  investors interested in exploring possibilities emanating from our top-tier research and exceptional talents. By collaborating with other entities under SFU Innovates, we have the potential to foster the growth of the startup economy and extend the reach of our discoveries to a global audience.

If you are intrigued by the idea of investing in our university startups or wish to learn more about potential investment opportunities, we encourage you to get in touch with the TLO.