X. Joan Hu

Professor of Statistics

Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC V5A1S6
Email: joanh@stat.sfu.ca
Tel: (778) 782-6714
Fax: (778) 782-4368
Office: Room SSC K10555, SFU Burnaby Campus

Research Interests  |  Teaching  |  Brief Biography  |  Publications

Research Interests

Dr. Hu's statistical research has primarily been in methodological development for handling data with complex structures. Her contributions in the area include pseudo-likelihood based and estimating function approaches with supplementary information. Growing from her early work on incomplete event history data, such as censored/truncated lifetimes and panel counts, Dr. Hu's current interests are in various unconventional point process data. Her on-going projects include analyses of longitudinal data with latent classes and marked point processes with spatial correlations.

Dr. Hu has collaborated with investigators from a variety of research fields, including HIV/AIDS, cancer, public health, reliability, forest fire management, psychology, political sciences, sports analytics, and substance use disorder. She enjoys identifying statistical problems from real-life projects and developing approaches to dealing with the challenges.

  • Postdoctoral Positions

  • Teaching (in the current academic year)

    Brief Biography

    Featured Publications (in the last six years)

    Papers in Statistical Journals (* denotes a trainee)

  • Braun, W.J., Hu, X.J., and *Kang, X. (2018) ``Data Sharpening in Local Regression Guided by Global Constraint," Statistica Sinica, 28: 2733-48. (Supplementary Material)
  • *Xiong, Y., Bingham, D., Braun, W.J., and Hu, X.J. (2018) ``Moran's I Statistic-Based Nonparametric Test with Spatio-Temporal Observations," Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 31:1, 244-267 DOI: 10.1080/10485252.2018.1550197
  • *Kang, K., Song, X., Hu, X.J., and Zhu, H. (2018) ``Bayesian adaptive group lasso with semiparametric hidden Markov models," Statistics in Medicine, 38:9, 1634-1650 DOI: 10.1002/sim.8051
  • Liu, L, Liu, Y., *Xiong, Y, and Hu, X.J. (2019) ``Cox Regression of Clustered Event Times with Covariates Missing Not at Random," Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 46(4), 1315-1346.
  • *Li, D., Hu, X.J., McBride, M.L., and Spinelli, J.J. (2020) ``Multiple Event Times in the Presence of Informative Censoring: Modeling and Analysis by Copulas", Lifetime Data Analysis, 26: 573-602. doi: 10.1007/s10985-019-09490-0
  • *Guo, L., *Xiong, Y., and Hu, X.J. (2020) ``Estimation under Cox Cure Model with Covariates Missing Not at Random, with Application to Disease Screening/Prediction", Canadian Journal of Statistics, 48: 608-632. doi:10.1002/cjs.11550
  • *Li, D., Hu, X.J., and Wang, R. (2023) ``Evaluating Association Between Two Event Times with Observations Subject to Informative Censoring", Journal of American Statistical Association, 118:542, 1282-1294. doi:10.1080/01621459.2021.1990766
  • *Xiong, Y., Braun, W.J., Duchesne, T. and Hu, X.J. (2023) ``Regression analysis of spatially correlated event durations with missing origins annotated by longitudinal measures", Statistica Sinica, 33: 2431-2461. doi: 10.5705/ss.202021.0118
  • *Thomson, T.J., Hu, X.J., and Nosyk, B. (2023+) ``Evaluating Effects of Various Exposures on Mortality Risk of Opioid Use Disorders with Linked Administrative Databases", Statistics in Biosciences, in press. doi:10.1007/s12561-023-09407-4
  • *Thomson, T.J., Hu, X.J., and Nosyk, B. (2023+) ``Estimating effects of time-varying exposures on mortality risk", Journal of Applied Statistics, in press. doi:10.1080/02664763.2024.2313459
  • Papers of Statistical Applications

  • Mackey, D., *Lachance, C.C., *Wang, P.T., Feldman, F. Laing, A.C. Leung, P.M., Hu, X.J., and Robinovitch, S.N. (2019). "Randomized trial of compliant flooring for the prevention of fall-related injuries in long term care: The Flooring for Injury Prevention (FLIP) Study", PLOS Medicine, DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011757
  • *Thiessen, M., *Cui, Q., Hu, X.J., and Rosychuk R.J. (2020) "Exploring Spatio-temporal Patterns in Mental Health Related Emergency Department Use from Children and Adolescents", Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 34: 100358. doi: 10.1016/j.sste.2020.100358
  • *Wu, L.Y., *Danielson, A.J., Hu, X.J., and Swartz, T.B. (2021). "A Contextual Analysis of Crossing the Ball in Soccer", Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 17 (1): 57-66. doi: 10.1515/jqas-2020-0060
  • Rosychuk, R.J., *Chen, A.A., McRae, A., McLane, P., Ospina, M.B., Hu, X.J. (2022 ). ``Age-varying effects of repeated emergency department presentations for children in Canada", Journal of Health Services Research \& Policy, 27 (4): 278-286. doi: 10.1177/13558196221094248
  • Liu, J., *Bellows, B., Hu, X.J., Wu, J., Zhou, Z., Soteros, C., Wang, L. (2023). "A new time-varying coecient regression approach for analyzing infectious disease data", Scientic Reports, 13(1), 14687.
  • *Peng, K.K., Renouf, E.M., Dean, C.B., Hu, X.J., Delatolla, R., and Manuel, D.G. (2023) ``An exploration of the relationship between wastewater viral signals and COVID-19 hospitalizations in Ottawa, Canada", Infectious Disease Modelling, 8: 617-631. doi: 10.1016/j.idm.2023.05.011

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    Last modified in February 2024