Dr. Dana Lepofsky - Recent Publications

Recent Research Publications (2015 onwards)


Brown, C., K. Lightfoot, N. Turner, and D. Lepofsky. in press. Ancient Mariners: Linguistic, Genetic, and Archaeological Evidence for the Prehistoric Connection of Native Peoples of Alaska (Aleut) and California (Utian). Lexington Books, A Division of Rowman and Littlefield.

Refereed Edited Volumes

Fernández-Llamazares, Á. and D. Lepofsky (co-editors), 2019.  Ethnobiology Through Song.  Journal of Ethnobiology.

Refereed Journal Articles (*indicates articles with students)

Ritchie, M., J. Ritchie, M. Blake, E. Simons, and D. Lepofsky. 2024. Settling the record: 3,000 years of continuity and growth in a Coast Salish Settlement Constellation. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 37.

*Greening, S., D. Rosenblum, and D. Lepofsky.  Ła A'alyaga Laxyuuba Gitḵ'a'ata” (The Territory of the Gitga'at Speaks): Gitga'at knowledge as expressed through Indigenous Place Names.  Submitted.

*Letham, B., D. Lepofsky and Spencer Greening. 2023 Wil Luunda ‘Waada aks (Where the Waters Meet): Deep-time histories of shifting estuarine landscapes and human settlement in Laxgalts’ap watershed, northern British Columbia, Canada.  Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. Online.  DOI: 10.1080/15564894.2023.2202154

Armstrong, C.G., N. Lyons, A.C. McAlvay, P.M. Ritchie, D. Lepofsky, and M. Blake. 2023. Historical ecology of forest garden management in Laxyuubm Ts’msyen and beyond, Ecosystems and People, 19:1, DOI: 10.1080/26395916.2022.2160823

Armstrong CG, Lepofsky D, McAlvay AC, Leonard K, Ritchie PM, Lyons N, Blake M 2023. Reply to Oswald et al.: scale in studies of pre-colonial forests. Ecosystems and People 19 (1).

Holmes, K., D. Lepofsky, N.F. Smith, T.D. Crowell, and A.K. Salomon. 2022. Ancestral sea gardens supported human settlements for at least 3800 years on the Northwest Coast of North America. Frontiers in Earth Science.

Petrou E.L., R. Kopperl, D. Lepofsky, A.T. Rodrigues, D. Yang, M.L. Moss, C.F. Speller, and L. Hauser. 2022. Ancient DNA reveals phenological diversity of Coast Salish herring harvests over multiple centuries. Scientific Reports 2022 Aug 6;12(1):13512.

Kahn, J. and D. Lepofsky. 2022. Digging Deep: Place-Based Variation in Late Pre-Contact Mā‘ohi Agricultural Systems, Society Islands. Journal of Ethnobiology 42:217-240.

Fernandez-Llamazares, Á., D. Lepofsky + 28 authors. 2021.  Scientists’ Warning to Humanity on Threats to Indigenous and Local Knowledge systems. Journal of Ethnobiology 41(2):144- 169.

*Letham, B., D. Lepofsky, S. Greening. 2021. A post-glacial relative sea level curve for the central Douglas Channel area, British Columbia, Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews 263(1):106991

Armstrong, C.G., J. Miller, A. McAlvay, P. Ritchie, D. Lepofsky. 2021. Historical Indigenous Land-Use Explains Plant Functional Trait Diversity. Ecology and Society. 26(2):6 https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-12322-260206

Turner, N.J., C. Armstrong, and D. Lepofsky.  2021. Adopting a Root: Documenting Ecological and Cultural Signatures of Plant Translocations in Northwestern North America.  American Anthropologist 124:1-19.

*Lepofsky, D., G. Toniello, J. Earnshaw, C. Roberts, L. Wilson, K. Rowell, and K. Holmes. 2020.  Ancient Anthropogenic Clam Gardens of the Northwest Coast Expand Clam Habitat. Ecosystems. Published on-line May 2020.

Holmes, K, K. Cox, A.R. Cline, M.B.A. Hatch, A.K. Salomon, D. Lepofsky, N. Smith, S. Dudas. 2020. Ancient Ecology: The Quadra Island Clam Gardens. Fisheries  45:151-156.

*Anza-Burgess, K., D. Lepofsky and D. Yang. 2020A Part of the People”: Human-Dog Relationships Among the Northern Coast Salish of SW British Columbia.  Journal of Ethnobiology 40.4. 

*Ritchie, M. and D. Lepofsky. 2020. From local to regional and back again: Social transformation in a Coast Salish settlement, 1500 – 1000 BP. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology.

*Toniello, G., D. Lepofsky, G. Lertzman-Lepofsky, A. Salomon, and K. Rowell 2019. 11,500 Years of Human-Clam Relationships Provide Long-term Context for Intertidal Management in the Salish Sea, Canada.  PNAShttps://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1905921116

*Springer, C. and D. Lepofsky. 2019. Conflict and Territoriality: An Archaeological Study of Ancestral Northern Coast Salish-Tla’amin Defensiveness in the Salish Sea Region of Southwestern British Columbia.  Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. Doi: 10.1080/15564894.2018.1562499.

*Lepofsky, D. and C.G. Armstrong. 2018. Foraging New Ground: Documenting Ancient Resource and Environmental Management in Canadian Archaeology.  Canadian Journal of Archaeology 42:57–73.

*Morin, J., D. Lepofsky, M.R. Ritchie, M. Porcic, and K. Edinborough. 2018. Assessing Continuity in the Ancestral Territory of the Tsleil-Waututh-Coast Salish, Southwest British Columbia, Canada.  Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 51:77-87.

*Springer, C., D. Lepofsky, and M. Blake.  2018. Obsidian in the Salish Sea: An Archaeological Examination of Ancestral Coast Salish Social Networks in SW British Columbia and NW Washington State. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 51:45–66.

Morales E., D. Lepofsky, and F. Berkes. 2017. Ethnobiology and Fisheries: Learning from the Past for the Present. Journal of Ethnobiology 37:369–379. 

*Lepofsky, D., C.G. Armstrong, J. Jackley, S. Greening, J. Carpenter, B. Guernsey, D. Mathews, N.J. Turner. 2017. Historical Ecology of Cultural Keystone Places of the Northwest Coast.  American Anthropologist. DOI:10.1111/aman.12893

*Savo, V. C. Morton, D. Lepofsky. 2017. Coastal fishers’ observations of and adaptations to climate change. Fish and Fisheries. DOI: 10.1111/faf.12212 

Neudorf, C., N. Smith, D. Lepofsky, G. Toniello, O. Lian. 2017. Between a Rock and a Soft Place: Using Optical Ages to Date Ancient Clam Gardens on the Pacific Northwest. PLOS ONE. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0171775

*Gauvreau, A.M., D. Lepofsky, M. Rutherford, M. Reid.  2017. Correction to “Everything revolves around the herring”: The Heiltsuk-herring relationship through time.  Ecology and Society 22(2):10. [online] URL: https://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol22/iss2/art10/.

*Gauvreau, A. M., D. Lepofsky, M. Rutherford and M. Reid. 2017. Response to: Everything revolves around the herring: the Heiltsuk-herring relationship through time. 2017. Ecology and Society 22 (3):29. [online] URL: https://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol22/iss3/art29/

*von der Porten, S., D. Lepofsky, D. McGregor, J. Silver.  2016.  Recommendations for marine herring policy change in Canada: Aligning with Indigenous legal and inherent rights. Marine Policy 74:68 – 76.

*Ritchie, MR., D. Lepofsky, S. Formosa, and K. Edinborough. 2016. Beyond Culture History: Coast Salish Settlement Patterning and Demography in the Fraser Valley, B.C.  Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 43:140-154.

*Savo, V., D. Lepofsky, K. Kohfeld, J. Benner, H. Bailey, and K. Lertzman. 2016. Global review of observations of climate change among subsistence oriented communities. Nature Climate online: 27 APRIL 2016, DOI: 10.1038/NCLIMATE2958.

*Lepofsky, D. N.F. Smith, N. Cardinal, J. Harper, M. Morris, E. White, R. Bouchard, D. Kennedy, A.K. Salomon, M. Puckett, K. Rowell, and E. McLay 2015. Ancient Mariculture on the Northwest Coast of North America. American Antiquity 80:236-259.

Reviewed Book Chapters and other publications.

*Lepofsky, D. C.G. Armstrong, D. Mathews, S. Greening. 2020. Understanding the Past for the Future: Archaeology, Plants and First Nations’ Land Use and Rights. In Indigenous Peoples’ Land Rights and the Roles of Ethnoecology and Ethnobotany: Strategies for Canada’s Future, edited by N.J. Turner, pp. 86-106.  McGill-Queen’s University Press. 

Lepofsky, D., Á Fernández-Llamazares, and Oqwilowgwa Kim Recalma-Clutesi. 2019. Song keepers reveal traditional ecological knowledge in music. The Conversation.  December 23, 2019. 

Fernández-Llamazares, Á. and D. Lepofsky. 2019. Ethnobiology Through Song, Ethnobiology Through Song. Journal of Ethnobiology 39(3), 337-353. 

Lepofsky, D. and S. Wolverton. 2018. Reflecting on Ethnobiology from 1978 to 2018: A Dedication to Steve Weber. Journal of Ethnobiology 38: 449–455 

*Savo, V, D. Lepofsky, K. Lertzman 2018. Impacts of climate change on subsistence-oriented communities. In Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene, pp 461-465, edited by D. DellaSala, M. Goldstein. Elsevier.

*Lepofsky, D. and M. Lenert.  2017. Choppers in Context: The Archaeology of the McCallum site, SW BC. In Archaeology of the Fraser Valley, edited by M. Rousseau and R. Carlson.  Archaeology Press, Burnaby.

* Groesbeck, A.S., K. Rowell, D. Lepofsky, A.K. Salomon. 2015. Clam Gardens of the Pacific Northwest.  In Archaeology of Food: An Encyclopedia, edited by K.B. Metheny and M.C. Beaudry, Rowman & Littlefield.   

Creative Works

2024 – ongoing, “Island in the Middle of Everywhere”.  Exhibit, Ingenium Museum, Ottawa. ingeniumcanada.org/agriculture/exhibitions/the-island-in-the-middle-of-everywhere

2022   Xwe’etay/Lasqueti Archaeology Project website.  www.sfu.ca/rem/lasqueti.html

2022   Pacific Sea Garden Collective. Sea Gardens Across the Pacific Story Map: Reawakening Ancestral Mariculture Innovations. Version 1. Washington Sea Grant at the University of Washington. https://doi.org/10.6069/ZJB9-CG30  Co-wrote with A. Salomon, M. Poe and the Sea Garden Collective. https://www.seagardens.net/

2019    Húy̓at.  Our Voices, Our Land. Web site.  www.hauyat.ca (winner of 6 international awards).  With Jennifer Carpenter, Mark Wunsch, Nancy Turner, and others.

2019    Húy̓at.  Our Voices, Our Land.  Exhibit, Bill Reid Center, Simon Fraser University.  With Mark Wunsch and others.

2015    The Clam Garden Network.  Web site.  http://clamgarden.com with Nicole Smith.