2008.016.031: Before darning.

The repair of small holes was required on several of the objects in the collection. I chose to use a modified darning technique. Most darning is done from the underside of the fabric to repair the hole, however this was not possible due to the placement of the holes and the construction of the dolls. I had to work from the top of the fabric where I used the darning technique that surrounds the damaged area in small stitches. The next step is to maKe stitches that  follow the warp thread of the original fabric. This is followed by weaving stiches perpendicular to the previous stitches (Gale 2014). I used very tiny stitches and a short, fine needle with the appropriate matching cotton thread. I suggest that this be done while using a lighted magnifying glass. 

2008.016.013: After darning.