Use Wear:
Ground Stones - Quartzite

Use Wear Type - Fatigue

Figure 1. SN 0070 Ona Adi Madit B1:2:6 Post Aksumite– fatigue wear Tips of asperities fractured and reflecting light (examples shown with arrows) and internal crystal fracturing (examples shown inside circles) (~70X)

Fatigue wear occurs over time where continuing load and friction, such as that created by grinding, weaken the surface. When there are pressures on contact points of surfaces or stress of movements against the contacting surfaces when working the material, the highest surface elevations bear the stress. If it is more than what that surface can bear there is collapse and crushing of the elevations. The observable results include micro-factures such as scars, cracks and step fractures on the quartz crystals and pits on the surface. This type of damage will reflect the light and usually appear as irregular angular shapes. The back-and-forth pressure and force of the madit against the mațhan can also cause quartz crystals to crack internally. Figure 1 provides an example of fatigue wear on an archaeological specimen. The back-and-forth downward pressure of this madit against the mațhan has caused the highest tips of the asperities to come under load pressure, breaking off the tips which then reflect light. Internal fractures are showing as cracks within the crystals.

Another example of an internal fracture (crack) is noted in Figure 2. This microscopic image of madit SN 0704 Ona Adi, Late Aksumite, is from an unused section of the rock where the tool had broken. The internal fracture may have occurred as a result of the pressure applied that originally broke this stone, perhaps when resharpening, or as a result of damage incurred during excavation from digging tools.

Figure 2. SN 0704 Ona Adi Madit D1:3:4 Late Aksumite– fatigue wear Evidence of internal crystal fracture (within circle) (70X)

Impact fractures are a type of fatigue wear that often occur instantly rather than over a period of time. When an object comes into contact with another object, the force, or impact, can create damage to one or both surfaces. In the case of grinding stones from Tigrai, impact fractures can be the result of resharpening a tool’s surface, where a hammer or hammer stone comes in contact with the grinding stone with some force. In the case of hammering to make the surface coarse, the hammer would fall heavily onto the surface (Figure 3). If the goal was to reduce just the tops of the asperities to create a finer texture or flatten the surface, a less powerful stroke would be used (Figure 4). The impact of the hammer fractures and crushes the quartz crystals where the surface of the hammer comes in contact with the grinding stone. If the hammer stroke is heavy, many crystals can be crushed within the striking zone and under a microscope this can appear as a lighter area as the group of crystal fractures reflect the light and take on a frosted appearance (Figure 3). If the hammer blow is gentler, only the highest asperities will fracture, and the result is individual frosted crystals and appear as points of reflected light on the surface, usually in pattern that resembles the rounded end of a hammer (Figure 4).

Figure 3a. SN 0017 Ona Adi Madit A1:2:3 Post Aksumite – impact fracture Image Impact fracture over an area, heavier blow has crushed and fractured a cluster of crystals that now reflect the light, roughly in the shape of a circle, or hammer head.
Figure 3b. SN 0017 Ona Adi Madit A1:2:3 Post Aksumite – impact fracture Impact fills most of the circle above

The microscopic image from SN 0066, Ona Adi madit dated to the Post Aksumite (Figure 5) reveals another impact, with light reflecting from the crushed quartz crystals. Often these impacts are situated in a circular shape on the surface, indicative of the rounded hammer or hammer stone used to strike the surface. Hammer stones or modern metal hammers are used when maintenance is being done to resharpen the surface to a coarse texture or to crush and flatten the asperities when a smoother surface is preferred.

Ethnographic examples of microscopic images of impact fractures are presented in Figures 6 - 9. Consultant Waizaro Nigisti explained that she had recently resurfaced this madit through hammering to prepare a coarser surface used for grinding large size cereal grains. In Figure 6 the impact fractures on the tips of asperities form a circular shape (note the small reflective areas on the tops of the quartz crystals in the center of the image). In Figure 7 the impact fracture is noted in the upper right with the various irregular shapes of reflected light at the top of the crystal asperities.