Population and Ecological Models
  Model Applications  


Advice to users

Practitioners planning to use any of the statistical models available on this menu should read the SmartStats © and concepts web pages for wisdom and advice on using the SmartStats © infrastructure.

Nevertheless, the utilitarian advice offered on this website does not preempt the need for model users to be sufficiently proficient in the theory and practice of statistical model design, fitting, diagnostics and interpretation.

Confident use of any of the models offered here will require some investment in learning.


1] Clutch and brood survivorship
This application estimates survival rates from periodically collected data on the number of eggs and/or juveniles in followed clutches and/or broods of an egg-laying species.

  2] Species-habitat associations power analysis (Sample Simon)
This application performs power analyses to determine the probability of statistically detecting ecological relationships between a species and its required resources.
  3] Habitat capability
This application assesses the ability of a defined habitat mosaic (landscape) to sustain waterfowl for a specified period of time. More...
  4] Species richness
This application estimates the species richness of a contiguous habitat of defined area by extrapolation from species counts within quadrat samples collected in a subset of that area.

5] Competitive fitness
This application estimates the probability, relative to its competitors, that an individual will be the successful competitor when engaged in a contest for limited resources. More...

  6] Harvest forecasting
This application forecasts future in-season harvest rates of one exploited species in a competitive multispecies harvest using past and contemporary data on species catches and harvesting effort.
  7] Multiple series time-series analysis
This application offers a robust suite of ARIMA (McLeod and Hipel) time series models for analyzing single or multiple (i.e., parallel) species and/or environmental time series data.
  8] Size frequency analysis for continuous growth with constant recruitment
This application estimates growth, and natural and harvest mortality, rates from size frequency and/or growth increment data collected for species undergoing continuous growth and whose young recruit at a somewhat constant rate into the sampled population.
  9] Size frequency analysis for continuous growth with pulsed (e.g., annual) recruitment
This application estimates growth, and natural and harvest mortality, rates from size frequency and/or growth increment data collected for a species undergoing continuous growth and whose young recruit into the sampled population in, typically annual, pulses.
  10] Size frequency analysis for instar growth with pulsed (e.g., annual) recruitment
This application estimates growth and mortality rates from size frequency and/or growth increment data collected for a species undergoing discrete growth by moulting and whose young recruit into the sampled population as instars.
  11] Angler dynamics
This application estimates angler catch rates and their variance, as well as the influence of catch rate upon an angler's decision to continue or stop angling.
  12] Migration-distribution
This application predicts the spatial and temporal distribution of a seasonally migrating fish species based upon swimming speed-at-length, spatial-temporal length frequency distributions, and perhaps biomass distribution.