Tim Audas (MBB) | Website | Long noncoding RNAs, stress responses, oncogenes
Christopher Beh (MBB) | Website | lipid signaling and transport within cells, cell polarization, intracellular trafficking and disease
Timothy Beishlag (FHS) | Website | response to environmental stimuli, anoxia, contaminants
Sheryl Bisgrove (BISC) | Website | cell and developmental biology in plants and algae, cytoskeleton, control of growth and development in response to environmental cues
Lorena Braid (MBB) | Website coming soon! | corporate website | Mesenchymal stem and stromal cells (MSCs), cell therapy, regenerative medicine, senotherapy, immunity, auto-immune disease, aging
Jonathan Choy (MBB) | Website | Immune system, T cells, cytokines, nitric oxide, nitric oxide synthases, cell death, transplantation, arterial disease
Julian Christians (BISC) | Website |placental and bone physiology, IGF signalling, IGF binding proteins
David Clarke (BPK) | Website | quantitative exercise biology, cellular adaptations to exercise-related stressors
Tom Claydon (BPK) | Website |cardiac potassium ion channels, fluorescence-based electrophysiology
Nancy Forde (PHYS) | Website |collagen mechanics and homeostasis; osteoarthritis and other connective tissue diseases
Sharon Gorski (MBB) | Website |autophagy, apoptosis, cell stress, cancer, treatment resistance, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer
Julian Guttman (BISC) | Website | host-pathogen interactions, bacteria, epithelial cells, cytoskeleton, endocytosis, bioterrorism, enteric infections
Nick Harden (MBB) | Website |epithelial development, synaptic plasticity, signal transduction, developmental biology, wound healing, neurodegenerative disease
Nancy Hawkins (MBB) | Website | Wnt signaling, dishevelled, asymmetric cell division, hcf-1, C. elegans
Harald Hutter (BISC) | Website | nervous system development, neuronal circuit formation, axon pathfinding
Valentin Jaumouillé (MBB) | Website |Innate immunity, Mechanobiology, Cytoskeleton dynamics, Cancer immunology, Host-pathogen interactions
Lisa Julian (MBB) | Website | Stem cell and developmental biology, cellular neuroscience, human pluripotent stem cell models, rare disease
Charles Krieger (BPK) | Website |Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, synapse, neurons, protein kinases, adducin, neurodegenerative disease, Drosophila
Mani Larijani (MBB) | Website | 5-dimensional research into genome-mutating processes: mechanisms, structures, evolution, immunity and cancer
Amy Lee (MBB) | Website |Neonatal immune development, neonatal sepsis, antimicrobial resistance, bacterial genomics and multi-omics integration.
Frank Lee (FHS) | Website | Dopamine signalling, protein-protein interactions
Michel Leroux (MBB) | Website | Cilia, disease, sensory biology, signalling, development, cytoskeleton, motors, trafficking, genetics, genomics
Carl Lowenberger (BISC) | Website |Host-parasite interactions, RNAi, apoptosis, innate immunity, Dengue, antimicrobial peptides
Gregg Morin (MBB adjunct; UBC; BC Cancer Agency) | Website | RNA processing in cancer, proteomics
Masahiro Niikura (FHS) | Website | Viruses-host interactions, Marek’s disease virus, immunity
Ed Park (MSE) | Website | Biomechatronics, biorobotics, biomedical engineering
Zamir Punja (BISC) | Website |Plant-fungal pathogen interactions, cell and molecular aspects of disease development in plants infected by microbes, fungal development processes
Lynne Quarmby (MBB) | Website | Cilia, cell cycle, cytoskeleton, genetics, calcium signalling
Gordon Rintoul (BISC) | Website | Neurodegeneration, mitochondrial dynamics, intracellular calcium homeostasis, reactive oxygen species, optic neuropathies, fluorescence microscopy
Peter Ruben (BPK) | Website |Voltage-gated sodium channels, Structure/function, Pathophysiology, Channelopathies, Cardiac arrhythmias, Epilepsy, Electrophysiology
Michael Silverman (MBB) | Website | Microtubule-based, organelle transport, neuronal development, Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, and Parkinson’s disease
David Sivak (PHYS) | Website | Using statistical physics, molecular biophysics, and information theory to elucidate the physical limits placed on biological systems
Bingyun Sun (CHEM) | Website | Proteomics, cell surface proteins, embryonic stem cells, N-glycosylation, biomarkers, methodology development for sensitive proteomics
Glen Tibbits (BPK) | Website | Cardiac excitation-contraction coupling, inherited cardiac arrhythmias, congenital heart disease and cardiomyopathies
Ian Tietjen (FHS) | Website | Viral pathogenesis, antiviral discovery, HIV latency, flaviviruses
Peter Unrau (MBB) | Website |Ribozymes, evolution, RNA world
Amandio Vieira (BPK) |Nutrition and metabolism; nutrient carrier proteins; endocytic transport of nutrients; cellular redox balance and oxidative stress; amyloidogenic diseases; epigenetics
David Vocadlo (MBB, CHEM) | Website | Chemical biology; glycobiology; neurodegenerative diseases; imaging probes; protein stability; metabolic engineering; enzyme inhibitors