• Projects
  • A Pragmatic Integrated Approach to Workplace Mental Health in Canada

A Pragmatic Integrated Approach to Workplace Mental Health in Canada

Mental health problems have a powerful and expanding impact in the workplace. As their burden on the public and private sectors in Canada increases, the management of workplace mental health issues will be of increasing importance. Yet, strategies for the assessment, prevention and treatment of mental health problems in the workplace are underdeveloped and underused. The gap between the need for and use of effective models can be partially explained by limited access to relevant knowledge. While there is considerable literature on the prevalence and nature of mental health problems in the workplace, practical solutions to these problems are harder to identify.

In order to foster a pragmatic integrated approach to workplace mental health in Canada, the Workforce Advisory Committee (WAC) of the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) collaborated with the Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health and Addiction (CARMHA) at Simon Fraser University to examine the relevant scientific and ‘grey’ literature on approaches to improving the mental health of employees.

On the basis of this review, Mental Health Commission of Canada and CARMHA have issued three companion documents:

Project Lead(s):

Merv Gilbert


Workforce Advisory Committee, Mental Health Commission of Canada


Workforce Advisory Committee, Mental Health Commission of Canada


Contact Info:

Please contact CARMHA for more information