Counter Strike: Global Offensive

Registration Details:

  • E-mail to with the subject: SFU CS:GO Team Registration
  • Please sign-up with 1 captain, 4 players and notify the admin of substitutes
  • Indicate whether or not each player is an SFU student by including their sfu e-mail address, failure to do so will incur non-SFU registration costs
  •     Please submit information in this format, each member's information on a separate line: Team Name,Player Name,Email ex: C-LAN,Player1,
  • Put down 3 cell phone numbers for admin contact purposes (Captain's number must be listed)
  • The admin will contact you back with a request for a specific payment method, confirmation will be provided after payment is received.

Dates: September 12th-13th, 2015 (Check-ins and setup 9 AM, games starting at 10 AM)

Location: SFU Surrey Labs

Teams: 8 teams, first come first serve (if you do not pre-pay you are not guaranteed a spot). 

Costs: $10/SFU student and $15/Non-SFU student; Teams can be made up of any SFU/Non-SFU composition (no SFU student requirements)

Format: 5v5, with 2 map vetos/team for 1 map matches and 1 map vetos/team for 3 map matches (

Ruleset and Maps: here

Prizing: TBD

Tournament Structure: TBH

Lateness Policy: Always up to admin's discretion. Teams should always be on-site unless they notify an admin beforehand that they are leaving (usually for food). They must leave behind 3 set of phone numbers and be ready to return to the site within 10 minutes of a phone call/text by an admin.

If players are on-site and are having technical difficulties they will not be penalized.

Remember that all lab rules must be followed including no food or drink at the computers.

If players are not on-site, they will be given a phone call/text by the admin and will have 15 minutes to be completely logged in (all 5 players) and in the lobby, ready to play. If technical difficulties arise in this situation, it will be up to the admin's discretion as to whether or not a penalty will be given. If a team fails to be completely logged in and ready to play within 15 minutes of notified time, they will forfeit the first set and be given an additional 10 minutes to get prepare or else they forfeit the match entirely.

Substitution Policy: Speak to the admin about your specfiic situation