Research area


Research type

Japan Foundation – Japanese Studies Fellowship Programs 


  • For Scholars and Researchers ( Long term ) and Doctoral Candidates: 
  1. Airfare: Round-trip discount economy-class airfare (the most direct route between the applicant's location and Japan) (Fellows already in Japan before the commencement of the Fellowship will receive only a one-way ticket for their return flight.  
  2. Settling-in allowance: 250,000 yen (2,318.49 CAD – Oct 28th 2023 rate), (in principle, Fellows already in Japan before the commencement of the Fellowship are not eligible for this allowance). 
  3. Departure allowance: 50,000 yen ( 462.76 CAD–– Oct 28th 2023 rate) (in principle, Fellows who are to remain in Japan after their fellowship is complete are not eligible for this allowance). 
  4. Certificate of health: Up to 50,000 ( 462.76 CAD–– Oct 28th 2023 rate)   yen 
  5. Insurance: Overseas traveler's insurance policy 
  • For Scholars and Researchers (Short term):  
  1. Per Diem: 17,000 yen/day.( 157.66 CAD–Oct 28th rate).  
  2. Airfare: Round-trip discount economy-class airfare (the most direct route between the applicant's location and Japan) (Fellows already in Japan before the commencement of the Fellowship will receive only a one-way ticket for their return flight.) 
  3. Certificate of health: Up to 50,000 yen. ( 462.76 CAD–– Oct 28th 2023 rate) 
  4. Insurance: Overseas traveler’s insurance policy.  

Application details:  

Deadline: December of each year (U.S. applicants: November of each year) 


The fellowship has three subcategories – 

Scholars and researchers ( long-term) : 4-12 months, for scholars and researchers who have a Ph.D. Degree or equivalent professional experience at the time of application.   

Scholars and researchers (short term): 21-89 days.  

Doctoral Candidate: 4-12 months.  


Citizenship: citizens or permanent residents of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan (including Taiwan)

General: research related to Japan in the humanities and social sciences 


  • Scholars , researchers or, doctoral candidates conducting research related to Japan and ( comparative research included ) in the humanities and social sciences, whose project requires them to travel to Japan to carry out research over long period of time. Scholars and researchers need to have a Ph.D. Degree or equivalent professional experience at the time of application. 
  • Applicants must hold nationality or permanent residency in countries that have diplomatic relations with Japan; Taiwanese applicants, including permanent residents of Taiwan, are eligible to apply for “Scholars and Researchers (Long-Term)” or “Doctoral Candidates”. 
  • Applicants must secure all arrangements with advisors/research associates in Japan by the application deadline. 
  • Applicants must be in good enough health to carry out activities and proficient in either Japanese or English for research activities and communication. 
  • In principle, applicants must be able to stay continuously in Japan for the term of the Fellowship. 
  • Previous recipients of Japan Foundation Fellowships (not only the Japanese Studies Fellowships but also all the other Fellowships of the Japan Foundation) are eligible to reapply only if, on April 1, 2024, a full three years has elapsed since the termination of their most recent Fellowship. Previous “Scholars and Researchers (Short-Term)” Fellows are eligible to reapply only if, on April 1, 2024, one full year has elapsed since the termination of their most recent Fellowship. 


  • This program provides preeminent foreign scholars and researchers in the field of Japanese Studies with opportunities to conduct research in Japan, with the aim of supporting them and promoting Japanese Studies overseas. 
  • Applicants are responsible for making the necessary arrangements for institutional affiliation and an advisor/research associate. Fellows are also responsible for finding their own accommodations. 
  • The Japan Foundation Fellowships are tenable only in Japan. No extension of the duration of the Fellowship can be allowed for any reason whatsoever.  
  • Project quality is evaluated on the basis of its significance to the field and to the applicant’s professional development, necessity of residing in Japan for completion of the project, and feasibility in terms of time and resources. Applicants' educational background, employment history, position in their affiliated institution, and research achievements will also be considered (incumbent politicians will not be selected). For Chinese applicants, higher priority will be given to applicants aged 40 or under. For Korean applicants, higher priority will be given to applicants aged 49 or under. Applicants who have received Japan Foundation Fellowships twice or more in the past will be given lower priority. 
  • For scholars and Research (Long term):  
  1. The purpose and goal of the research should be clear, and the theme should be appropriate; the goal should be achievable during the proposed term of the Fellowship. 
  2. Research in Japan should be essential to the project. 
  3. The project should be planned within a concrete and practical framework and the proposed term of the Fellowship should be of an appropriate length that enables the achievement of the project goal. 
  4. Applicants should hold notable achievements in their respective fields. The proposed project should be consistent with these achievements and should potentially make future contributions to the field. 
  5. Applicants should have potential for future development as researchers. 
  6. Applicants should potentially contribute to their research fields and beyond, through network-building and academic presentations, after returning from Japan. 
  • For Scholars and Reseachers (Short term): 
  1. Priority will be given to applicants who are likely to present the results of their research shortly after the completion of their Fellowship. 
  2. Other criteria are the same as for (1) Scholars and Researchers (Long-Term). 
  • For Doctoral Candidates:  
  1. Applicants are expected to submit their dissertations shortly after completing their research in Japan. 
  2. Priority will be given to applicants who are under 35 years of age and particularly promising as scholars of Japanese studies. 
  3. Priority will be given to applicants who can conduct research and communicate in Japanese. 
  4. Other criteria are the same as for (1) Scholars and Researchers (Long-Term). 


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) – JSPS Invitation Fellowship Program for Research in Japan (Long-term) 


  • Monthly maintenance allowance of 387,600 JPY (3,594.58 CAD /month; 28TH Oct 2023 rate).  
  • Round trip airfare 
  • Overseas travel insurance 
  • Research support allowance up to 150,000 JPY ( 1, 391.09 CAD, 28TH Oct 2023 rate).  

Application details:  

Deadline: September of each year.  

Duration: 2–10 months.  


Citizenship: citizens or permanent residents of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan (including Taiwan and Palestine).

General: Application is submitted directly to JSPS Headquarters by host researcher in Japan.  


  • The applicant will be a host researcher who will apply on behalf of the invited candidate. 
  • Host researchers need to be a) affiliated with a research institution specified in Article 2* of the Procedure for the Handling of Grants-in- Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI), issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), be eligible to apply for a KAKENHI grant, and wish to host an overseas researcher.B) Be a full-time researcher. However, researchers who are not employed full time may be eligible if the host institution judges them able to execute their responsibility to carrying out the program uninterruptedly throughout the Fellow’s tenure including providing them a suitable research environment (e.g. Laboratory, space, facilities and personnel) in the same way that a full-time researcher would be able to do.  
  • The fellow must reside in Japan continuously over the duration of the fellowship. The fellow must reside in Japan continuously over the duration of the fellowship. The duration of the fellowship may not be divided into multiple stays. 
  • Eligible host institutions specified under the above MEXT Procedure are as follows:  
  1. Universities and inter-university research institutes 
  2. MEXT-affiliated institutions engaged in research 
  3. Colleges of technology 
  4. Institutions designated by the Minister of MEXT  
  • Candidate must be a citizen or a permanent resident of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan (JSPS treats Taiwanese and Palestinian researchers in this manner). 
  • Researchers of Japanese nationality residing overseas must have lived in the other country for at least 10 years and been actively engaged in research in that country throughout the period. 
  • Candidate must either be in a position equivalent to a university professor, associate professor or assistant professor in Japan as of 1 April 2023, OR receive their doctorate degree prior to six years or more as of 1 April 2023 and are continuing to do research in a university or non-profit research institution. 
  • The applicant (host researcher) and host institution should verify that the applicant (host researcher) and candidate (invited overseas researcher) satisfy their respective application eligibility requirements. 
  • The applications will require preparation of three forms by the candidate and host researcher. Form L1 – needs to be prepared by applicant host researcher, form L2 ( research proposal)  needs to be prepared by applicant host researcher and the invited candidate researcher and form L3 (  fellows curriculum vitae ) needs to be prepared by invited candidate researcher.  


  • The purpose is to invite overseas researchers with excellent records of research achievements to collaborate with Japanese colleagues in carrying out research through long-term visits. 
  • Application is submitted directly to JSPS Headquarters by the host researcher in Japan on behalf of  the candidate.   
  • Screening criteria include –– 
  1. That the collaboration will contribute to advancing science in Japan and other countries. 
  2. That the collaboration can be expected to advance research in the subject field. Evaluation should place emphasis on researchers invited from other countries. 
  3. That the applicant (host researcher) and candidate (invited overseas researcher) have established contact in advance and created a concrete research plan. 
  4. That the host institution has adequately prepared a system for receiving the candidate. 
  5. That the plan can be carried out within the period of the candidate’s fellowship tenure. 
  6. That the plan has as its objective joint research or other collaborative activities between researcher(s) in Japan and the candidate. 
  7. That, as much as possible, unbalance is avoided in the selectees' nationalities, host institutions, and areas of specialization. 
  8. That not only the score of the document review but also the examiners’ reasons and comments are given adequate consideration. 
  9. That the number of selectees with Japanese nationality be no more than about 3% of all the selectees under one application recruitment. 
  10. That two selection judgements are made: (1) Selected and (2) Not-selected.  


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) – JSPS Invitation Fellowship Program for Research in Japan (Short-term) 


  • Maintenance Allowance ¥18,000 ( 166.59 CAD 28th Oct 2023 rate) per day
  • Round trip airfare
  • Overseas travel insurance
  • Research support allowance up to 150,000 JPY ( 1, 391.09 CAD, 28TH Oct 2023 rate).

Application details:

Deadline: September of each year.

Duration: 14–60 days.


Citizenship: citizens or permanent residents of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan (including Taiwan and Palestine)

General: Application is submitted directly to JSPS Headquarters by a host researcher in Japan


  • Application is made by the applicant (host researcher) through their institution.)
  • Host researchers need to be a) a) affiliated with a research institution specified in Article 2* of the Procedure for the Handling of Grants-in- Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI), issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), be eligible to apply for a KAKENHI grant, and wish to host an overseas researcher. B) Be a full-time researcher. However, researchers who are not employed full-time may be eligible if the host institution judges them able to execute their responsibility in carrying out the program uninterruptedly throughout the Fellow’s tenure, including providing them a suitable research environment (e.g. Laboratory, space, facilities and personnel), in the same way that a full-time researcher would be able to do.
  • Eligible host institutions specified under the above MEXT Procedure are as follows:
    • Universities and inter-university research institutes
    • MEXT-affiliated institutions engaged in research
    • Colleges of technology
    • Institutions designated by the Minister of MEXT
  • Candidate must be a citizen or a permanent resident of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan (JSPS treats Taiwanese and Palestinian researchers in this manner).
  • The fellow must reside in Japan continuously over the duration of the fellowship. The duration of the fellowship may not be divided into multiple stays.
  • Researchers of Japanese nationality residing overseas must have lived in the other country for at least 10 years and been actively engaged in research in that country throughout the period.
  • Candidate must be from a foreign country and have a position equivalent to a professor, associate professor or assistant professor in Japan (including positions such as professor emeritus). Researchers of other status may apply if it has been six years or longer since they obtained their doctoral degree and the host research institution judges them to have continuously conducted research at a foreign university or research institution.
  • The applicant (host researcher) and host institution should verify that the applicant (host researcher) and candidate (invited overseas researcher) satisfy their respective application eligibility requirements.
  • The applications will require preparation of three forms by the candidate and host researcher. Form S1 – needs to be prepared by applicant host researcher, form S2 ( research proposal) needs to be prepared by applicant host researcher and the invited candidate researcher and form S3 ( fellows curriculum vitae ) needs to be prepared by invited candidate researcher.


  • The purpose of the fellowship is to provides opportunities for overseas researchers with excellent records of research achievements to visit Japan short-term for discussions, opinion exchanges, lectures, and other activities.
  • Application is submitted directly to JSPS Headquarters by host researcher in Japan on behalf of candidate.
  • The fellow must reside in Japan continuously over the duration of the fellowship. The duration of thefellowship may not be divided into multiple stays.
  • Screening criteria incliude ––
  1. That the collaboration will contribute to advancing science in Japan and other countries.
  2. That the collaboration can be expected to advance research in the subject field. Evaluation should emphasis on researchers invited from other countries.
  3. That the applicant (host researcher) and candidate (invited overseas researcher) have established contact in advance and created a concrete research plan.
  4. That the host institution has adequately prepared a system for receiving the candidate.
  5. That the plan can be carried out within the period of the candidate’s fellowship tenure.
  6. That the plan has as its objective joint research or other collaborative activities between researcher(s) in Japan and the candidate.
  7. That, as much as possible, unbalance is avoided in the selectees' nationalities, host institutions, and areas of specialization.
  8. That not only the score of the document review but also the examiners’ reasons and comments are given adequate consideration.
  9. That the number of selectees with Japanese nationality be no more than about 3% of all the selectees under one application recruitment.
  10. That two selection judgements are made: (1) Selected and (2) Not-selected.


Kokugakuin University Visiting Fellows Program


  • Monthly stipend of JPY300,000 ( 2,776,56 CAD : 28th Oct 2023 rate) . Months where one’s stay is fewer than twenty-five days shall be paid on a per diem basis JPY10,000 ( 92.74 CAD, 28th Oct 2023 rate) per day.
  • If a Visiting Fellow takes advantage of on-campus residence (single occupancy), the scholarship will be reduced to JPY210,000 (months where one’s stay is fewer than twenty-five days shall be paid on a per diem basis (JPY7,000 per day).
  • A Visiting Fellow shall be provided with economy class airline passage between the Fellow’s home country and Tokyo if the Fellow needs to travel to and from Japan

Application details:

Deadline: December

Duration: One year.

Citizenship: Open


  • Applicants for the Visiting Fellows program shall be researchers engaged in a field of study dealing broadly with Japanese culture and society.
  • The focus of a Visiting Fellow’s research must be one shared with one or more faculty members of Kokugakuin University to allow appropriate collaboration with and the provision of optimum assistance to the Visiting Fellow.
  • In principle, Visiting Fellows must be candidates for the Ph. D. Degree (or equivalent), affiliated with universities or research intuitions located outside of Japan.
  • The successful applicant for the Visiting Fellows Program shall possess a sufficient command of the Japanese or English language to allow the successful completion of research and academic activities in Japan.
  • Visiting Fellows shall agree to fulfill the following conditions to promote international research and academic cooperation:
  1. Visiting Fellows shall appear before faculty colloquia to present research plans at the beginning of the research period, and to present the results of research at the conclusion of the research period.
  2. Visiting Fellows shall cooperate with requests for occasional lectures in their area of specialty at Kokugakuin, so far as such requests do not impede research activities.
  3. Before returning to their home countries, Visiting Fellows shall present the results of their research to the chairperson of the International Exchange Programs Office and the university president in the form of oral presentations and/or written papers.
  4. During their term as Visiting Fellows, individuals shall dedicate themselves to research activities at Kokugakuin and shall publicize the results of their research, one or more times within two years of the completion of their term as Visiting Fellows, via academic paper(s), monograph(s), or presentation(s) at academic conference(s) or symposium(s). If the results of research cannot be published within two years, the researcher must promptly notify Kokugakuin, along with the reason.
  5. Visiting Fellows shall note specifically in each publication that the research was made possible with the support of the Kokugakuin University Visiting Fellows Program, and this responsibility shall be applied not only to the publications within two years after the research period at Kokugakuin but to all works which the Kokugakuin’s support contributes to. In the event that research results take the form of monograph(s), academic journals, or other paper publication(s), the Visiting Fellow shall donate three copies of the publications to Kokugakuin University.
  6. Unless otherwise specified, Visiting Fellows shall be responsible for all expenses incurred in their research and everyday life. Examples of such expenses may include, among other things, medical fees, taxes and National Health Insurance fees, and expenses for transportation involved in their research.


  • A Visiting research program of Kkugakuin University for an academic exchange program, from overseas to engage, in the interest of stimulating global research on Japanese society and culture.
  • In some cases, Kokugakuin University may request the applicant for further information and/or documentation. The applicant may be rejected in the event any false statement or data is found in the submitted documents. The submitted application documents will not be returned to the applicant.
  • Application documents include
  1. Application form
  2. Research proposal
  3. Recommendation letter from the head of the applicant’s home institution / organization or equivalent.
  4. Recommendation letter from a researcher who can attest to the researcher’s abilities of the application. In an event where the authors of letters 3) and 4) are the same person, the two letters may be combined in a single document.
  5. Document certifying the status of the applicant as a student or employee of the home institution.
  6. Curriculum vitae, including the applicant’s academic record, career record, published research, membership in academic societies, and relevant social activity.
  7. A health certificate (issued by the home institution or other medical authority) certifying the applicant’s health is sufficient to conduct research during the period as a Visiting Fellow.
  8. Recommendation letter from a tenured faculty member of Kokugakuin University (Form 2) agreeing to act as cooperating academic advisor to the applicant in the event the applicant is selected as a visiting fellow. The letter may also be submitted to the International Exchange Programs Office directly by the recommending Kokugakuin faculty member.


The Japan Foundation Indo-pacific Partnership Program (JFIPP Research Fellowship) 


  • Accommodation and research allowance, assessed on per day basis depending on the region.
  • Round-trip discount economy airfare
  • One time lump-sum payment for relocation expenses. 300,000 JPY (2,779.81 CAD 29th oct 2023 rate).
  • Additional allowances for a dependent family member that accompanies the fellow overseas, for a minimum of 3 months continuously. At a rate of 10% of the regional per diem for one dependent, or 20% for two or more dependents.
  • Overseas travel insurance

Application Details:

Deadline: Summer, August, annual.

Duration: 4-12 months


  • Applicants must be citizens of Japan, Australia, India or the U.S.or must have at least five years of strong and serious professional experience at an institution in one of the institutions in one of those four countries.
  • Researchers must hold a Ph.D. or the highest academic degree in their field of expertise.
  • non-research professionals must have a total of seven or more years of work experience in a field related to their proposed research.
  • If the proposed project requires language proficiency, the applicant may be required to
  • provide additional documentation to prove adequate language proficiency to complete the project.
  • Eligible projects will be:
  1. policy-oriented projects that contribute to the maintenance and strengthening of a free and open international order in the Indo-Pacific region, bringing about peace and prosperity to the entire region
  2. These projects should address current and future issues facing the Indo-Pacific region and the wider world today that invite regional connectivity and collaboration.
  3. Possible topics for the Fellowship might include, but are not limited to, climate change, global health, disaster prevention and recovery, mitigating social and economic disparity, demographic shifts, economic security, energy and food security, maritime cooperation(such as maritime law), cyber security, digital transformation,and green transformation .
  4. FIPP Fellowship is designed for multi-country research, and in principle proposals must include at least two countries for research activities other than the applicant’s country of origin.
  • Application documents will include:
  1. Application form (Form A)
  2. Project Information Form (Form B)
  3. Curriculum Vitae or Resume (free format)
  4. Two Reference Letters (Reference Form : Form C)
    1. Please ask two or more referees to prepare a reference letter using Form C. The referees should then send the letter directly to as an e- mail attachment by the application deadline. Please include the applicant’s name in the subject line of the e-mail.


  • This program is designed to promote international research and collaborative activities on common policy issues that require cooperation and engagement within and beyond the Indo-Pacific region, to contribute to the maintenance and strengthening of a free and open international order in the Indo-Pacific region, bringing about peace and prosperity to the entire region.
  • The program aims to encourage a new generation of researchers, experts, and practitioners who share the same concerns to build a new platform for intellectual cooperation, and to support the formulation of new policy proposals, visions, and initiatives from the Indo-Pacific region with a long-term, future-oriented perspective to contribute to resolving the issues.
  • Fellowships are awarded for the period spent outside the country of residence. The total duration of the fellowship cannot be extended beyond the period for which the fellowship was originally approved.
  • Fellows are required to have a host institution(s) or local collaborator(s) for each country in which they will stay. Please note the status of these arrangements on the application form (already confirmed, under negotiation, etc.). Fellows are responsible for making the arrangements for local collaborators and/or host institutions in their destination countries.
  • Fellows may not receive any other scholarship or fellowship covering expenses for travel and accommodation concurrently with this Fellowship. Fellows must choose either this Fellowship or the other scholarship/fellowship for the overlapping period.
  • The selection committee will prioritize proposals that meet the following goals:
  1. addresses shared global challenges
  2. addresses the needs of the Indo-Pacific over time.
  3. promotes Indo-Pacific collaboration and cross-national teams
  4. develops new perspectives on and policies for regional cooperation
  • Fellows are expected to devote themselves exclusively to the fellowship activities during the period of the Fellowship. Fellows are not allowed to engage in paid local employment (e.g., to earn an income through an employment contract) in the country where the Fellowship activities will take place. Fellows are expected to remain in the countries specified in their research proposals during the period of the fellowship.
  • Fellows are required to submit two reports to the Japan Foundation: an interim report on the progress of their research at the halfway point of the fellowship period, and a final report summarizing the results of their activities within two months of the end of the fellowship period. A policy recommendation or vision statement based on the research conducted under the fellowship will be required as part of the final report. They will be published by the Japan Foundation on its website and/or in print.
  • Fellows are expected to present their achievements during or after the fellowship period, as well as participate in networking events organized by the Japan Foundation.
