
Co-Authored Book

Smythe, S., Hill, C., MacDonald, M., Dagenais, D., Sinclair, N., & Toohey. K. (2017). Disrupting Boundaries in Education and Research. Cambridge University Press.

Chapters in Edited Books

Hill, C., MacDonald, M., & Tan, P. (2021). Living life as inquiry: Labouring and (grand)parenting with/in the Academy. In E. Lyle & S. Mahani (Eds.) Sister scholars: Untangling issues of identity as women in academe (pp. 183-194). DIO Press

MacDonald, M., Hill, C., & Sinclair, N., (2020). The problem and potential of representation: Being and becoming. In, S. Smythe, D. Dagenais,  K. Toohey, & M. Forte (Eds.). Transforming language and literacy education: New materialism, posthumanism, and ontoethics (pp. 153-174). Routledge.

MacDonald, M., Hill, C., Tan, P. (2020). Being and becoming in place: Embodied ways of knowing and living science. In E. R. Lyle (Ed.). Identity landscapes: Contemplating place and the construction of self (pp. 83-93). Sense.  

MacDonald, M., Hill, C., Sinclair, N., Smythe, S. Toohey, K., & Dagenais, D. (2019) Pursuing relational and differential methodologies: From diffraction to monstrosity in in-service teacher education. In  K. Nolan & J. Tupper (Ed.) Social theory for teacher education research: Beyond the technical-rational, (pp. 35-50). Bloomsbury.

Hill, C. & Piersol, L. (2018). The Transformative Becomings of a Nature-based Educator. In E. R. Lyle (Ed.). “Fostering a Relational Pedagogy: Self-Study as Transformative Praxis, (pp. 56-70). Boston: Sense
