Book Chapters

Campbell, S. (2010). Embodied minds and dancing brains: New opportunities of research in mathematics education. In B. Sriraman & L. English (Eds.), Theories of mathematics education: Seeking new frontiers (pp. 309-331). Berlin: Springer.

Campbell, S. Mathematical modeling and virtual environments. In R. Lesh, P. Galbraith, C. Haines, & A. Hurford (Eds.), Modeling students’ mathematical modeling compentencies: ICTMA13 (pp. 583–593). Berlin: Springer.

Campbell, S. (2006). Understanding elementary number theory in relation to arithmetic and algebra. In R. Zazkis & S. R. Campbell (Eds.), Number theory and mathematics education: Perspectives and prospects. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Campbell, S. (2003). Reconnecting mind and world: Enacting a (new) way of life (2003). In S. J. Lamon, W. A. Parker, & S. K. Houston (Eds.), Mathematical Modelling: A way of life, ICTMA 11 (pp. 245-253). Horwood Series on Mathematics and its Applications. Chichester: Horwood Publishing.

Campbell, S. (2002). Coming to terms with division: Preservice teachers’ understanding. In S. R. Campbell and R. Zazkis (Eds.), Learning and teaching number theory: Research in cognition and instruction (pp. 15–40). Westport, CT: Ablex.

Campbell, S. (2001). Enacting possible worlds: Making sense of (human) nature. In J. F. Matos, W. Blum, K. Houston, & S. P. Carreira (Eds.), Modelling and mathematics education, ICTMA 9: Applications in science and technology (pp. 3–14). Chichester: Horwood Publishing.
