Anne-Marie Côté

Year Graduated: 2018
Program/Degree: C&I Health Education and Active Living MEd

"This has been an excellent experience; I have found great support from the faculty during my studies."

I am an RMT and teacher for Langara College; I have 2 wonderful children.

Please tell us how you first discovered your program.

Through Dr. Larry Johnson.

Please tell us why you chose the Faculty of Education at SFU for your studies.

Great reputation and quality of the education.

Who is a faculty member you have enjoyed working with and why?

Dr. Jaqueline Pizzuti Ashby and Dr. Stephen Smith.

What inspires you to learn and continue your education?

Continued growth and improvement in my career.

What would you say to prospective students who are considering graduate school in the Faculty of Education?

This has been an excellent experience; I have found great support from the faculty during my studies.

Is there anything else you wish to share?

I am looking forward to bringing my new learned experiences to my work life.
