
Chelsea Taylor

I highly recommend the Master of Education in Educational Practice (MEd EP). It was a natural extension of the GDE Program, and it helped me delve deeper into my research passions. When my GDE Program ended, my field studies led to more questions, and I knew I needed to continue my search for meaning and self-understanding.

Pursuing a single field study for the MEd EP helped me consider what my "life work" might be, and what I am truly being called to discover about teaching, about learning, and about myself.

Throughout the program, I continued to develop my disposition of critical reflection, collaborate within the cohort and in other learning communities to understand my practice from new angles and explore educational theories and frameworks to help me confirm and/or question my pedagogical choices. This helped me bring my practice into even greater alignment with my beliefs and values, and this call to be more aligned has had a ripple effect on many other passions, including my work toward truth and reconciliation, inclusion, environmental stewardship, and my own holistic wellness.

Ultimately, my MEd EP experience was about reverence: the profound respect, astonishment, and wonder for the daily miracles of our natural world, for students’ unbounded potential, for the inquiry process itself, and for my own unfurling story as a teacher-researcher.

-Chelsea Taylor (she/her)
MEd | Educational Practice
Mentor | Language, Literacy & Learning in the Early Years GDE Program

Submitted by Chelsea Taylor: a bleeding heart plant - representing the reverence I have for children/childhood, nature, and the inquiry journey itself