My CV Google Scholar Page
2024. Alderete, John. Simon Fraser University Speech Error Database (SFUSED) Cantonese: Methods, design, and usage. Frontiers in Psychology 15:1270433. [doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1270433].
2024. Tanaka, Shin-ichi, John Alderete, Queenie Chan. The variation, change, and opacity of tone neutralization in Cantonese: Its ‘Unity in variety’ and implications for tone representation. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 28: 175-189. [doi: 10.24467/onseikenkyu.28.3_175]
2024. Alderete, John, Jane Li, Rachid Ridouane. Frequency norms in Tashlhiyt: A pilot study. In Alireza Korangy and Karim Bensoukas (eds.), The Handbook of Berber Linguistics, pp. 443-454. Singapore: Springer. [doi: 10.1007/978-981-99-5690-6_20]
2023. Alderete, John, Melissa Baese-Berk, Adrian Brasoveanu, and Jess H. K. Law. A new corpus of lexical substitution and word blend errors: Probing the semantic structure of lemma access failures. Journal of Cognition 6: 26, pp. 1-8. DOI: See the OSF page: for the complete data set.
Alderete, John and Sara Finley. 2023. Probabilistic phonology: A review of theoretical perspectives, applications, and problems. Language and Linguistics 24: 565-610. [doi: 10.1075/lali.00141.ald].
Li, Jane S.Y., Heikal Badrulhisham, and John Alderete. 2023. Lexical and sub-lexical frequency effects in Cantonese. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 21: 45-99. DOI: 10.6519/TJL.202307_21(2).0002. Github project page with frequency norm data and scripts for exploring the corpora.
John Alderete and Carson T. Schütze. 2023. Digital annotated speech error bibliography (first release). Burnaby, BC (Canada) and Los Angeles (USA): Department of Linguistics, Simon Fraser University and Department of Linguistics, University of California, Los Angeles (Distributors). []
Alderete, John and Padraig G. O'Séaghdha. 2022. Language generality in phonological encoding: Moving beyond Indo-European languages. Language & Linguistics Compass, e12469.
Alderete, John. 2022. Cross-linguistic trends in speech errors: An analysis of the sub-lexical errors in Cantonese. Language and Speech, https://10.1177/00238309211071045. See OSF page for the underlying data sets.
2022. Alderete, John, Queenie Chan, and Shin-ichi Tanaka. The morphology of Cantonese “changed tone”: Extensions and limitations. Gengo Kenkyu 161: 139-169. Data supplement: OTWorkPlace files.
Alderete, John, Melissa Baese-Berk, Keith Leung, and Matthew Goldrick. 2021. Cascading activation in phonological planning and articulation: Evidence from spontaneous speech errors. Cognition 210, 104577. Supplement: OSF project page with all the data and scripts.
Alderete, John, Amber Blenkiron and Edōsdi (Judy Thompson). 2021. Series shifts and mergers in the obstruent phonology of Tahltan (Northern Athabaskan). Linguistic Discovery 17: 93-109.
Jebbour, Abdelkrim, Ahmed Boukous, Abdelkrim El Alami, Jane SY Li, Rachid Ridouane, and John Alderete. 2021. Nine Tashlhiyt texts: Structured representations of 18,000 words (First release). Burnaby, BC (Canada): Department of Linguistics, Simon Fraser University. [].
Alderete, John, Melissa Baese-Berk, Jane Li. 2021. Agreement errors and language production processes: Building a taxonomy of error types from spontaneous speech data. Poster presented at 2021 meeting of the Psychonomic Society.
Alderete, John. 2020. Speech errors and phonological patterns: Insights from psycholinguistic and linguistic theory. Phonological Studies 23: 77-90.
Alderete, John, Queenie Chan, and Henny Yeung. 2019. Tone slips in Cantonese: Evidence for early phonological encoding. Cognition 191, 103952. Data release with 432 tonal speech errors from SFUSED Cantonese.
Alderete, John and Monica Davies. 2019. Investigating perceptual biases, data reliability, and data discovery in a methodology for collecting speech errors from audio recordings. Language and Speech 62: 281-317. DOI: 10.1177/0023830918765012.
Alderete, John and Paul Tupper. 2018. Phonological regularity, perceptual biases, and the role of phonotactics in speech error analysis. WIREs Cognitive Science 2018;9:e1466.
Alderete, John and Paul Tupper. 2018. Connectionist approaches to generative phonology. In Anna Bosch and S. J. Hannahs (eds.), The Routledge handbook of phonological theory, pp. 360-390. New York: Routledge.
Alderete, John and Queenie Chan. 2018. Simon Fraser University Speech Error Database – Cantonese 1.0 (First release). []. Burnaby, BC (Canada): Department of Linguistics, Simon Fraser University (Distributor).
Alderete, John and Alexei Kochetov 2017. Integrating sound symbolism with core grammar: The case of expressive palatalization. Language 93: 731-766. Supplements: spreadsheet with typology sorted by natural class, OTWorkPlace files illustrating factorial typology, factbook of 50 cases of expressive palatalization.
Alderete, John, Queenie Chan, Macarius Chan, Gloria Fan, and Olivia Nickel. 2017. Cantonese grammar synopsis. Manuscript, Simon Fraser University.
Alderete, John and Sara Finley. 2016. Gradient vowel harmony in Oceanic. Featured article in Language and Linguistics 17: 769-796. Data supplements: Samoan rootlist (1,871 roots from the Milner dictionary), Tongan rootlist (2,308 roots from the Churchward dictionary), Fijian rootlist (3,935 roots from the Capell dictionary), Hawaiian rootlist (12,046 roots from the Pukui and Elbert dictionary).
Alderete, John and Kayleigh MacMillan. 2015. Reduplication in Hawaiian: Variations on a theme of minimal word. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 33: 1-45. Supplement: OTWorkPlace files and data supplement with 1,636 reduplicated words coded for phonological and morphological properties.
Alderete, John. 2015. Updating the analysis of Japanese compound accent. In Short ‘schrift for Alan Prince, compiled by Eric Baković. Supplement: OTWorkPlace file.
Blenkiron, Amber and John Alderete. 2015. Reduplication in Rotuman: A curious case of emergent unmarkedness. In Yuchau Hsiao and Lian-Hee Wee (eds.), Capturing phonological shades within and across languages, pp. 266-290. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Data supplement: list of 848 reduplicated words with morphological and phonological characteristics.
Alderete, John, Abdelkrim Jebbour, Bouchra Kachoub, and Holly Wilbee. 2015. Tashlhiyt Berber grammar synopsis. Manuscript, Simon Fraser University.
Alderete, John, Paul Tupper, Stefan A. Frisch. 2014. Phonotactic learning without a-priori constraints: Arabic root cooccurrence restrictions revisited. In Andrea Beltrama, Tasos Chatzikonstantinou, Jackson L. Lee, Mike Pham, Diane Rak (eds.), 48th annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society, pp. 1-16. Supplement: proof comparing Max-Ent and c-net architectures.
Alderete, John and Amber Blenkiron. 2014. Tahltan grammar synopsis. Manuscript, Simon Fraser University.
Alderete, John, Paul Tupper, and Stefan A. Frisch. 2013. Phonological constraint induction in a connectionist network: learning OCP-Place constraints from data. Language Sciences 37: 52-69. Supplements: data supplement - wordlist of 3,489 Arabic roots with contingency tables of consonant co-occurrence, MATLAB scripts implementing the model.
Alderete, John and Mark Bradshaw. 2013. Samoan root phonotactics: Digging deeper into the data. Linguistic Discovery 11: 1-21. Supplement: the raw data.
Alderete, John and Mark Bradshaw. 2012. Samoan grammar synopsis. Manuscript, Simon Fraser University.
Kochetov, Alexei and John Alderete. 2011. Patterns and scales of expressive palatalization: Typological and experimental evidence. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 56: 345-376. Supplement: factbook of language examples.
Alderete, John and Alexei Kochetov. 2009. Japanese mimetic palatalization revisited: implications for conflicting directionality. Phonology 26: 369-388. Supplement: data supplement with 526 CVCV mimetic words and questionnaire data from six native speakers.
Alderete, John. 2009. Exploring recursivity, stringency, and gradience in the Pama-Nyungan stress continuum. In Parker, Steve (ed.), pp. 181-202, Phonological argumentation. Essays on evidence and motivation. London: Equinox Publishing. Supplemental materials: data supplement (violation data).
Alderete, John. 2008. Using learnability as a filter on computable functions: a new approach to Anderson and Browne’s generalization. Lingua 118: 1177-1220.
Alderete, John and Tad McIlwraith. 2008. An annotated bibliography of Tahltan language materials. In the Northwest Journal of Linguistics 2: 1-26.
Kim, Lan and John Alderete. 2008. Why [h] and aspirated consonants are different in Korean. In the Proceedings of the first International Conference of East Asian Linguistics, Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 28, pp. 123-136, Toronto: University of Toronto Department of Linguistics.
Alderete, John and Judy Thompson. 2008. James Teit census annotations. Canadian Museum of Civilization, Archives, Ethnology, VI-O-2M, box 173, file 3.
Alderete, John and Stefan Frisch. 2007. Dissimilation in grammar and the lexicon. In Paul de Lacy, (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Phonology, pp. 379-398. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Alderete, John and Tad McIlwraith. 2007. A catalogue of the Tahltan stories of Rose Dennis. Manuscript, Simon Fraser University and Douglas College.
Alderete, John. 2005. On tone and length in Tahltan (Northern Athabaskan). In Sharon Hargus & Keren Rice (eds.), Athabaskan prosody, pp. 185-207. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Supplemental materials: phonetic measurements of 3 tone minimal pairs and duration measurements of 10 length minimal pairs.
Alderete, John and Tanya Bob. 2005. A corpus-based approach to Tahltan stress. In Sharon Hargus & Keren Rice (eds.), Athabaskan prosody, pp. 369-391. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Alderete, John, Adrian Brasoveanu, Nazarré Merchant, Alan Prince, and Bruce Tesar. 2005. Contrast analysis aids the learning of phonological underlying forms. In John Alderete, Alexei Kochetov, and Chung-hye Han (eds.), Proceedings of the 24th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, pp. 34-42. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Alderete, John, Chung-hye Han, and Alexei Kochetov (Editors). 2005. Proceedings of the 24th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Alderete, John. 2003. Structural disparities in Navajo word domains: A case for lex-cat faithfulness. The Linguistic Review 20: 111-158. Data supplement: list of 222 disjunct and conjunct prefixes coded for phonological properties.
Alderete, John. 2003. Phonological processes: Dissimilation. In William Frawley (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 2nd Edition, pp. 323-324. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Tesar, Bruce, John Alderete, Graham Horwood, Koichi Nishitani, Nazarre Merchant, Alan Prince. 2003. Surgery in language learning. In Gina Garding and Mimu Tsujimura (eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 22, pp. 477-490. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Crosswhite, Katherine, John Alderete, Tim Beasley, and Vita Markman. 2003. Morphological effects on default stress placement in novel Russian words. In Gina Garding and Mimu Tsujimura (eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, pp. 151-164. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. Supplemental materials: data supplement with experimental items and participant responses.
Alderete, John. 2003. Bilingual audio production of Tahltan Raven Creation Story for 'Mehodih: Well-known traditions of the Tahltan People' (UBC Museum of Anthropology).
Alderete, John and Bruce Tesar. 2002. Learning covert phonological interaction: An analysis of the problem posed by the interaction of stress and epenthesis. Report no. RuCCS-TR-72, Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science.
Alderete, John. Root-controlled accent in Cupeño. 2001. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 19: 455-501.
Alderete, John. 2001. Dominance effects as transderivational anti-faithfulness. Phonology 18: 201-253.
Alderete, John. 2001. Morphologically governed accent in Optimality Theory. Routledge publishing series, Outstanding dissertations in Linguistics. New York: Routledge.
Jucovy, Kyra and John Alderete. 2001. A bibliography of Berber language materials. Manuscript, Swarthmore College.
Alderete, John. 2000. Prosodic faithfulness in Cupeño. In Elena Benedicto (ed.), University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers 20, Indigenous languages, pp. 1-27. Amherst: Graduate Linguistic Student Association
Alderete, John. 2000. The prosodic morphology of iteratives in Jamaican Creole. In Elena Benedicto (ed.), University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers 20, Indigenous languages, pp. 29-50. Amherst: Graduate Linguistic Student Association. [Revised 1993 Masters paper from the University of California, Santa Cruz]. Data supplement: list of 382 echo words sorted by prosodic characteristics.
Alderete, John, Jill Beckman, Laura Benua, Amalia Gnanadesikan, John J. McCarthy, and Suzanne Urbanczyk. 1999. Reduplication with fixed segmentism. Linguistic Inquiry 30: 327-364.
John Alderete. 1999. Head dependence in stress-epenthesis interaction. In Ben Hermans & Marc van Oostendorp (eds.), The derivational residue in phonological Optimality Theory, pp. 29-50. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [Reprinted in John McCarthy (ed.), Optimality Theory in phonology: Selected readings, pp. 215-227. Oxford: Blackwell]
Alderete, John. 1999. Canonical types and noun phrase configuration in Fijian. In Matt Pearson (ed.), UCLA Occasional Papers in Linguistics 21, Proceedings of the third and fourth meetings of the Austronesian Formal Linguistic Association (AFLA III-IV), pp. 19-44. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Department of Linguistics.
Alderete, John. 1997. Dissimilation as local conjunction. In Kiyomi Kusumoto (ed.), Proceedings of North East Linguistic Society 27, pp. 17-31. Amherst: Graduate Linguistic Student Association. [Reprinted in John McCarthy (ed.), Optimality Theory in phonology: Selected readings, pp. 394-406. Oxford: Blackwell]
Alderete, John. 1995. Faithfulness to prosodic heads. Rutgers Optimality Archive, Report No. 94.
Alderete, John. 1995. Winnebago Accent and Dorsey’s Law. In Jill Beckman, Laura Walsh-Dickey, & Suzanne Urbanczyk (eds.), University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers 18, Papers in Optimality Theory, pp. 21-51. Amherst: Graduate Linguistic Student Association.