Book Contents
Master Index
Master Index
SAS Language Reference: Dictionary

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Special Characters |


CALCULATE command, DATA step debugger
CALL routines
pattern matching with
random-number CALL routines
CALL statements
CAPS command, compared with CAPS system option
CAPS system option
CARDIMAGE system option
CARDS statement
CARDS4 statement
cashflow stream, periodic
convexity for
modified duration for
present value for
cashflow, enumerated
convexity for
modified duration for
CATALOG argument
FILENAME statement, CATALOG access
error handling
numer to open
page buffers
search order, setting
CATCACHE= system option
CATNAME statement
_ALL_ CLEAR option
_ALL_ LIST option
assigning and using a catalog concatenation (example)
CLEAR option
compared with LIBNAME statement
LIST option
nested catalog concatenation (example)
rules for catalog concatenation
Cauchy distributions
cumulative distribution functions
probability density functions
random numbers "CALL RANCAU"
random numbers "RANCAU"
CBUFNO= system option
$CBw. informat
CBw.d informat
CD= option
FILENAME statement, FTP access
CDF function
CEIL function
ceiling values
CENTER (CENTRE) system option
CENTRE system option
CEXIST function
change expressions
change items
character combinations
character conversion, translation tables for
character data, converting to
uppercase "$MSGCASEw."
uppercase "$UPCASEw."
character data, reading
from column-binary files
from right to left "$REVERJw."
from right to left "$REVERSw."
standard format
varying length fields
with blanks
character data, writing
in reverse order
variable-length records
character expressions
converting to uppercase
deleting character value contents
deleting character value contents, based on byte unit
encoding for searching
first unique character
inserting character value contents
inserting character value contents, based on byte unit
left aligning
missing values, returning a result for
position of first unique character, returning
removing trailing blanks and SO/SI
replacing character value contents
replacing character value contents, based on byte unit
replacing characters in
replacing specific characters
replacing words in
reversing "KREVERSE"
reversing "REVERSE"
right aligning
searching by index
searching for specific character
searching for specific characters "INDEXC"
searching for specific characters "KINDEXC"
searching for words
selecting a given word from
selecting a word from
substringing "SUBSTR (left of =)"
substringing "SUBSTR (right of =)"
updating, based on byte unit
character formats
character strings
double-byte characters, returning number of
passing to SAS programs
removing characters from
CHARCODE system option
charcter classes
$CHARw. format
$CHARw. informat
compared to $ASCII informat
compared to $CHARZBw. informat
compared to $EBCDICw. informat
compared to $w. informat
$CHARZBw. informat
chi-squared distributions
cumulative distribution functions
noncentrality parameters
probability density functions
CINV function
CLEANUP system option
CLEAR option
CATNAME statement
CLOSE function
CMDMAC system option
_CMD_ SAS variable, WINDOW statement
CMPOPT system option
CNONCT function
CNTLLEV= data set option
coefficient of variation
COLLATE function
COLLATE system option
collating sequence, for SORT procedure
colon (:) argument
INPUT statement, list input
PUT statement, list output
colon (:) format modifier
COLOR= argument, WINDOW statement
COLOR= option, WINDOW statement
color printing
COLORPRINTING system option
column input
COLUMN= option
FILE statement
INFILE statement
column output
column pointer controls
INPUT statement
PUT statement
column-binary data, reading
down a column
punch-card code
column-binary files, reading
column-binary, reading
with blanks
COLUMNS= argument, WINDOW statement
COMB function
combinations, computing
SEE: permutations, computing
commas for decimal places
commas, removing
COMMAw.d format
compared to COMMAXw.d format
compared to DOLLARw.d format
compared to NEGPARENw.d format
COMMAw.d informat
compared to COMMAXw.d informat
COMMAXw.d format
compared to COMMAw.d. format
compared to DOLLARXw.d format
COMMAXw.d informat
compared to COMMAw.d informat
comment statement
comparing character strings
COMPBL function
compiler optimization
complementary error function
composite indexes
COMPOUND function
compound interest
COMPRESS= data set option
compared with COMPRESS= system option
COMPRESS function
compared to COMPBL function
COMPRESS= system option
compressed data sets
processing with random access
reusing space
specified characters
compressing observations
compressing SAS data sets
concatenating catalogs
assigning and using a catalog concatenation (example)
nested catalog concatenation (example)
rules for
concatenating SAS data libraries
character strings
confidence intervals, computing
CONNECTREMOTE= system option
CONNECTSTATUS system option
CONNECTWAIT system option
console log
CONSOLELOG= system option
CONSTANT function
constants, calculating
double-precision numbers, largest
double-precision numbers, smallest
Euler constant
exact integer
machine precision
natural base
contains operator, where statement
CONTINUE argument, DM statment
CONTINUE statement
compared to LEAVE statement
convexity, for enumerated cashflow
convexity, for periodic cashflow stream
CONVX function
CONVXP function
COPIES= system option
copies, specifying number of
corrected sum of squares
COS function
COSH function
CPUID system option
CREMOTE system option
CSS function
CSTATUS system option
cumulative distribution functions
Bernoulli distribution
beta distribution
binomial distribution
Cauchy distribution
chi-squared distribution
exponential distribution
F distribution
gamma distribution
geometric distribution
hypergeometric distribution
Laplace distribution
logistic distribution
lognormal distribution
negative binomial distribution
normal distribution
Pareto distribution
Poisson distribution
T distribution
uniform distribution
Wald (Inverse Gaussian) distribution
Weibull distribution
CUROBS function
European dollar
U.S. dollar
CV function
CWAIT system option

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Special Characters |