Book Contents
Master Index
Master Index
SAS Language Reference: Dictionary

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Special Characters |


DACCDB function
DACCDBSL function
DACCSL function
DACCSYD function
DACCTAB function
DAIRY function
damaged data sets
damaged data sets or catalogs
data lines
as card images
reading "CARDS"
reading "DATALINES4"
Data Set Data Vector (DDV), reading observations into
data set names, returning
data set options
by category
interactions with system options
system option interactions
with input data sets
with output data sets
data set pointer, positioning at start of data set
DATA statement
DEBUG option
keywords allowed in
stored compiled DATA step programs
DATA step
assigning data to macro variables
linking SAS data set variables "CALL SET"
linking SAS data set variables "CALL SYMPUT"
stopping "RETURN"
stopping "STOP"
stored compiled programs
DATA step debugger
attributes of variables, displaying
BREAK command
breakpoints, deleting
commands, assigning to ENTER key
commands, assigning to function keys
commands, by category
commands, customized debugging commands with macros
commands, entering
commands, help on
commands, list of
DEBUG option, DATA statement
debugger sessions
debugging a simple DATA step (example)
debugging, defined
DELETE command
DESCRIBE command
displaying continuous record of DATA step exceution
displaying variable values
DO loops, debugging (example)
ENTER command
EXAMINE command
executing statements one at a time
expressions and
expressions, evaluating
formats and (example)
formatted values of variables, examining (example)
GO command
HELP command
JUMP command
jumping to a specific program line
LIST command
listing items
LOG window
macro facility with
macros as debugging tools
macros, debugging DATA step generated by
QUIT command
restarting execution of suspended program
resuming execution of DATA step
SET command
SOURCE window
starting execution of DATA step
STEP command
suspending execution when value of specified variable changes
suspending program execution
SWAP command
switching control between SOURCE window and LOG window
TRACE command
variables, assigning new values to
WATCH command
watch status, deleting
windows in
DATA step functions, within macro functions
DATA step programs
stored compiled, executing
DATA step programs, retrieving source code from
DATA step statements
global, by category
global, definition
DATA step views
retrieving source code from
data type, returning
data values, reading
SEE: informats
data values, writing
SEE: formats
sequence field, length of numeric portion
DATALINES statement
compared to DATALINES4 statement
compared to INFILE statement
length of data on lines following
DATALINES4 statement
DATASTMTCHK= system option
DATDIF function
date and time formats
date and time values
SHR records
date calculations
days between dates
years between dates
date formats, international
DATE function
date stamp
DATE system option
date/time functions
current date, returning
date values, incrementing
date values, returning
dates, extracting from datetime value
dates, returning current "DATE"
dates, returning current "DATETIME"
datetime value, creating
day of the month, returning
day of week, returning
hour value, extracting
Julian dates, converting to SAS values
Julian dates, from SAS date values
minute values, returning
month values, returning
seconds value, returning
time intervals, extracting integer values of
time values, creating
time values, incrementing
time, extracting from datetime values
time, returning current
year quarter, returning
year quarter, returning date value from
year value, returning
date/time values
international, specifying language for
year 2000 accommodation
year cutoff
date/time values, reading
date values, dddmmmyy
date values, dddmmmyy hh:mm:ss.ss
date values, dddmmmyyyy
date values, dddmmmyyyy hh:mm:ss.ss
date values, ddmmyy
date values, ddmmyyyy
date, yymm
date, yymmn
dates, mmddyy
dates, mmddyyyy
dates, yymmmdd
dates, yyyymmmdd
IBM mainframes
IBM mainframes, RMF records
IBM mainframes, SMF records
international date values
international datetime values
international month and year values
Japanese date format
Julian dates
month and year values
RMF records
SMF records
Taiwanese date format
TIME MIC values
time values, IBM mainframe
time, hh:mm:ss.ss
time-of-day stamp
timer units
year quarter
date/time values, writing
day-of-week "WEEKDATEw."
day-of-week "WEEKDATXw."
day-of-week name
dd month-name yyyy
ddmmmyy "DATEw."
ddmmmyy "DDMMYYw."
fractions, hours as
hours as decimal fractions
international, day-of-week and date
international, day-of-week name
international, day-of-week number
international, dd.mm.yy
international, ddmmmyy
international, ddmmmyy:hh:mm:ss:ss
international, mmmyy
international, month name "EURDFMNw."
international, month name "EURDFWDXw."
Julian day of the year
minutes and seconds since midnight
month abbreviation
month and year separated by a character
month and year, mmmyy
month name
month number
month-name dd,yyy
Roman numerals, dates as
Roman numerals, year and quarter
time "TIMEw.d"
time "TODw.d"
year and month, with separator character
year and quarter, Roman numerals with separator character
year and quarter, with separator character
year quarter, Arabic numerals
year quarter, in Roman numerals
year, extracting from date value
DATEAMPMw.d format
DATEJUL function
DATEPART function
dates, Julian
dates, writing
datetime formats, international
DATETIME function
DATETIMEw. informat
DATETIMEw.d format
DATETIMEw.d format, compared to DATEAMPMw.d format
DATEw. format
DATEw. informat
DAY function
DAYw. format
DBCS data
adding shift-code data to "$KANJIw."
adding shift-code data to "$KANJIXw."
removing shift-code data from "$KANJIw."
removing shift-code data from "$KANJIXw."
DBMS tables, joining (example)
DCLOSE function
DCOM/CORBA server mode
DDMMYYw. format
DDMMYYw. informat
DDV (Data Set Data Vector) , reading observations into
DDV (Data Set Data Vector), reading observations into
DEBUG option
FILENAME statement, FTP access
FILENAME statement, URL access
DEBUG option, DATA statement
SEE: DATA step debugger
DEC format
reading integer binary values in
reading positive integer binary values in
writing integer binary values in
DEC format, writing fixed-point data in
decimal points, reading as commas
decimal points, removing
declarative DATA step statements
declarative statements
DEFAULT= argument
INFORMAT statement
LENGTH statement
DELETE argument, DISPLAY statement
DELETE command, DATA step debugger
DELETE statement
compared to DROP statement
compared to IF statement, subsetting
DELIMITER= option, INFILE statement
DEPDB function
DEPDBSL function
accumulated declining balance "DACCDB"
accumulated declining balance "DACCDBSL"
accumulated from tables
accumulated straight-line
accumulated straight-line, converting from declining balance
accumulated sum-of-years
declining balance
from tables
straight-line "DACCSL"
straight-line "DEPSL"
straight-line, converting from declining balance
depreciation functions
DEPSL function
DEPSYD function
DEPTAB function
DEQUOTE function
DESC= argument
FILENAME statement, CATALOG access
DESCENDING argument, BY statement
DESCRIBE command, DATA step debugger
DESCRIBE statement
descriptive statistic functions
DETAILS system option
DEVIANCE function
deviance, computing
Bernoulli distribution
binomial distribution
Gamma distribution
inverse Gaussian (Wald) distribution
normal distribution
Poisson distribution
DEVICE= system option
DFLANG= system option
DHMS function
DIF function
difference between nthlag
DIGAMMA function
DIM function
compared to HBOUND function
DINFO function
closing "DCLOSE"
closing "FCLOSE"
filerefs for
directories, returning
attribute information
information about
number of information items
number of members in
directory members
name of, returning
%DISPLAY macro
compared to WINDOW statement
DISPLAY= option, WINDOW statement
DISPLAY statement
compared to WINDOW statement
DKRICOND= system option
DKROCOND= system option
DLDMGACTION= data set option
DLDMGACTION= system option
DM statement
DMR system option
DMS system option
DMSEXP system option
DNUM function
DO loops
DO statement
compared to DO UNTIL statement
compared to DO WHILE statement
DO statement, iterative
compared to DO statement "DO"
compared to DO statement "DO"
compared to DO UNTIL statement
compared to DO WHILE statement
DO UNTIL statement
compared to DO statement
compared to DO statement, iterative
compared to DO WHILE statement
DO WHILE statement
compared to DO statement
compared to DO statement, iterative
compared to DO UNTIL statement
DO statement
DO statment, iterative
DO UNTIL statement
DO WHILE statement
GO TO statement
resuming "CONTINUE"
resuming "LEAVE"
stopping "CONTINUE"
stopping "LEAVE"
DOCLOC= system option
documentation, online
dollar sign ($) argument
INPUT statement
INPUT statement, column input
INPUT statement, list input
INPUT statement, named input
LENGTH statement
DOLLARw.d format
compared to COMMAw.d format "COMMAw.d"
compared to COMMAw.d format "COMMAw.d"
compared to DOLLARXw.d format
DOLLARXw.d format
compared to DOLLARw.d format
DOPEN function
DOPTNAME function
DOPTNUM function
double quotation marks, surrounding values with
double-byte characters, in a character string
double-precision number constants
DOWNAMEw. format
DREAD function
DROP= data set option
compared to DROP statement
error detection for input data sets
DROP= data step option
error detection for output data sets
DROP statement
compared to DELETE statment
compared to KEEP statement
error detection for output data sets
DROPNOTE function
DROPOVER option, FILE statement
DSD option, INFILE statement
DSNAME function
DSNFERR system option
Dunnett's one-sided test
Dunnett's two-sided test
duplex printing
DUPLEX system option
duplex-printed output
binding edge, specifying
DUR function
DURP function
Dw. format

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Special Characters |