Book Contents
Master Index
Master Index
SAS Language Reference: Dictionary

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Special Characters |


T distributions
cumulative distribution functions
probability density functions
noncentrality parameter
probabilities from
tabled probability distribution, random numbers
tables, SAS/ACCESS
associating with a libref
tag expressions
Taiwanese date format
TAN function
TANH function
tape files, closing
target variables
TBUFSIZE=system option
TCP/IP port, for SAS/CONNECT software
TCP/IP port, specifying for SAS/CONNECT software
TCP/IP socket access
TCPPORTFIRST= system option
TCPPORTLAST= system option
TEMPLATE procedure
terminal availability
terminal device driver
TERMINAL system option
TERMSTR= option
FILENAME statement, SOCKET access
text editor commands, submitting as SAS statements
flow into main entry
tilde (~) argument
INPUT statement, list input
tilde (~) format modifier
tilde (~) logical not operator, where statement
time/date functions
time, returning current
TIME function
time stamp
TIMEAMPMw.d format
TIMEMw.d format, compared to TIMEAMPw.d format
TIMEPART function
TIMEw. informat
TIMEw.d format
compared to HHMMw.d format
TINV function
TITLE statement
TITLES option, FILE statement
TITLES window, compared to TITLE statement
TNONCT function
TO statement, compared to LINK statement
TOBSNO= data set option
TODAY function
TODSTAMPw. informat
compared to MSECw. informat
TODw. format
literals "Names in the SAS Language"
literals "Words in the SAS Language"
name tokens "Names in the SAS Language"
name tokens "Words in the SAS Language"
number tokens
special-character tokens
types of
TOPMARGIN= system option
TRACE command, DATA step debugger
trailing blanks, trimming
training, online
TRAINLOC= system option
transfer status window
TRANSLATE function
compared to TRANWRD function
translating character expressions
translation tables
translation tables, specifying
TRANTAB= data set option
TRANTAB= option, LIBNAME statement
TRANTAB= system option
TRANWRD function
compared to TRANSLATE function
triangular distributions, random numbers
TRIGAMMA function
returning value of
TRIM function
compared to TRIMN function
trimming character expressions
trimming trailing blanks
TRIMN function
compard to TRIM function
TRUNC function
truncating numeric values
TRUNCOVER option, INFILE statement
TUw. informat
TYPE= data set option

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Special Characters |