Gordon McTaggart-Cowan, P.Eng.

Associate Director and Associate Professor, School of Sustainable Energy Engineering


Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of British Columbia, 2006

M.A.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, University of British Columbia, 2002

B.Eng., Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria, 1999


Industrial and research interests

  • Clean, low-carbon transportation
  • Vehicle technology modelling and assessment
  • Renewable gaseous fuels
  • Fuel availability and infrastructure
  • Gaseous fuel storage, compression and conditioning
  • Performance and emissions control for internal combustion engines


Teaching interests

  • Fluid mechanics with energy system applications
  • Thermodynamics and energy conversion


Recently taught courses

  • SEE 225 - Fluid Mechanics (Spring 2020, 2021, 2022)
  • SEE 324 - Heat and Mass Transfer for Energy Engineering (Summer 2020)
  • SEE 894 - Special Topics II (Fall 2021) 


SRYE 5141

Selected recent publications

  • Oldknow, K., Mulligan, K. and McTaggart-Cowan, G. The Trajectory of Hybrid and Hydrogen Technologies in North American Heavy Haul Railway Operations. Railway Engineering Science. July 2021.
  • Sarangi, A., McTaggart-Cowan, G., Davy, M., Kirchen, P. and Garner, C.P. Two-colour pyrometry measurements of low-temperature combustion using borescopic imaging. SAE Technical Paper 2021-01-0426. SAE World Congress Experience, April 2021.
  • Khosravi, M., McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Kirchen, P. Pyrometric Imaging of Soot Processes in a Pilot Ignited Direct Injected Natural Gas Engine. International Journal of Engine Research. 22(5):1605-1623, 2021. 
  • Rochussen, J., McTaggart-Cowan, G., and Kirchen, P. Parametric Study of Pilot-Ignited Direct-Injection Natural Gas Combustion in an Optically-Accessible Heavy-Duty Engine. International Journal of Engine Research. 21(3):497-513, 2020.
  • Huang, J., McTaggart-Cowan, G., and Munshi, S.R. Large-eddy simulation of direct injection natural gas combustion in a heavy-duty truck engine using modified conditional moment closure model with low-dimensional manifold method. International Journal of Engine Research. 21(5):824-837. 2020.
  • Singh, A., McTaggart-Cowan, G., and Kirchen P. Air Fuel Dilution in a Pilot Ignited Direct Injection Natural Gas Engine: Pollutants, Performance, and System Level Considerations. ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Meeting. Paper ICEF2019-7200. October 2019.
  • Yang, X., Vinhaes, V., Turcios, M., McTaggart-Cowan, G., Huang, J., Naber, J., Shahbakhtis, M, Schmidt, H, and Atkinson, W. Process for Study of Micro-pilot Diesel-NG Dual Fuel Combustion in a Constant Volume Combustion Vessel Utilizing the Premixed Pre-burn Procedure. SAE World Congress, Technical Paper 2019-01-1160. April 2019.
  • McTaggart-Cowan, G., Huang, J., Turcios, M., Singh, A, and Munshi, S. Evaluation of a Hot-Surface Ignition System for a Direct-Injection of Natural Gas Engine. ASME ICE Division Fall Technical Meeting. Paper ICEF2018-9734. November 2018. 
  • McTaggart-Cowan, G., Huang, J., and Munshi, S., Impacts and Mitigation of Varying Fuel Composition in a Natural Gas Heavy-Duty Engine, SAE Int. J. Engines 10(4):1506-1517, 2017.
  • Ouellette, P, Goudie, D. and McTaggart-Cowan, G. Progress in the development of natural gas high pressure direct injection for Euro VI heavy-duty trucks. In Proceedings of the Internationaler Motorenkongress 2016.
  • McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Mann, K., Huang, J., Singh, A., Patychuk, B., and Munshi, S.R. Direct Injection of Natural Gas at 600 bar in a Pilot-Ignited, Heavy-Duty Engine. SAE Int. J. Engines 8(3):981-996, 2015.
  • Sarangi, A.K., Garner, C.P., McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Davy, M.H., Wahab, E. and Peckham, M. Load Transient between Conventional Diesel and Low Temperature Combustion. Proceedings of the I. Mech. E. Part D – Journal of Automobile Engineering. Vol. 229. 2015. 

Selected recent patents

  • McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Mann, K., Huang, J. and Munshi, S.R. Method and Apparatus for Operating Gaseous-Fuelled Direct Injection Internal Combustion Engine. US patent 10167786. Issued January 2019.
  • Huang, J., Hill, P.G., Munshi, S.R. and McTaggart-Cowan, G.P. Air Enriched Gaseous Fuel Direct Injection for an Internal Combustion Engine. US Patent 10233871. Issued March 2019.
  • Fei, W., Walker, J.D., McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., and Mann, K. Method and Apparatus for Fuel Injection and Dynamic Combustion Control. US Patent 9850827. Issued December 2017.
  • Munshi, S, McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Rogak, S.N., Bushe, W.K. Method and Apparatus of Fuelling an Internal Combustion Engine with Hydrogen and Methane. US Patent 8,469,009. Issued October 2017.
  • Wager, D.R., McTaggart-Cowan, G.P., Mumford, D.K. and Munshi, S.R. Fuel Injection Valve and Method of Actuating. US Patent 9366195. Issued June 2016.

Scholarly activities and affiliations

Associate Editor - Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part-D: Journal of Automobile Engineering

Member - SAE Engine Combustion Committee 

Visiting Fellow – Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, UK

Ad-hoc faculty member – Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan Technological University, USA.