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Department of Archaeology, Simon Fraser University

Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University

Integrated History and Future of People on Earth Reasearch Network (IHOPE)

Selected Publications:

Armstrong, C.G. and J.R. Veteto. 2015. Historical Ecology and Ethnobiology: Applied Research for Environmental Conservation and Social Justice. Ethnobiology Letters 6(1). Link Here

Balée, W. 2013. Cultural Forests of the Amazon: A Historical Ecology of People and Their Landscapes. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa, AB.

Balée, W. and C. Erickson, eds. 2006 . Time and Complexity in Historical Ecology: Studies in the Neotropical Lowlands. Columbia University Press, New York, NY.

Briggs, J.M., K.A. Spielmann, H. Schaafsma, K.W. Kintigh, M. Kruse, K. Morehouse, and K. Schollmeyer. 2006. Why Ecology Nees Archaeologists and Archaeology Needs Ecologists. Front Ecol Environ 4(4):180-188. 

Crumley C.L., eds. 1994. Historical Ecology: Cultural Knowledge and Changing Landscapes. School of American Research Press, Santa Fe, NM.

Crumley, C.L. 2003. Historical Ecology: Integrated Thinking at Multiple Temporal and Spatial Scales. Paper Presented at World System History and Global Environmental Change Conference, Lund University, Sweden. Found Here

Egan, D. & Howell, E.A. eds. 2001. The Historical Ecology Handbook: A Restorationist’s Guide to Reference Ecosystems. Island Press, Washington DC.

Fairhead, J., M. Leach. 1996. Misreading the African Landscape: Society and Ecology in a Forest-Savanna Mosaic. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Huntington, H.P. 2000. Using Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Science: Methods and Applications. Ecological Applications 10(5):1270-1274.

Lepofsky, D. and K. Lertzman. 2008. Documenting Ancient Plant Management in the Northwest of North America. Botany 86(2): 129–145.

Lertzman, K. 2009. The Paradigm of Management, Management Systems, and Resource Stewardship. Journal of Ethnobiology 29(2):339-358. 

McKechnie, I., D. Lepofsky, M. L. Moss, V. L. Butler, T. J. Orchard, G. Coupland, F. Foster, M. Caldwell, and K. Lertzman. 2014. Archaeological Data Provide Alternative Hypotheses on Pacific Herring (Clupea pallasii) Distribution, Abundance, and Variability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111:807-816.

Nabhan, G.P, F. Wyndham and D. Lepofsky. 2011. Ethnobiology for a Diverse World: Ethnobiology Emerging From a Time of Crisis. Journal of Ethnobiology 31(2):172-175.

Nazarae, V.D. 2006. Local Knowledge and Memory in Biodiversity Conservation. Annual Review of Anthropology 35:317-335.

Schmidt P.M. and H.K. Stricker. 2010. What Tradition Teaches: Indigenous Knowledge Complements Western Wildlife Science. USDA National Wildlife Research Center, Staff Publications. Paper 1283.

Seddon, A.W.R. et al. 2014. Looking Forward Through the Past: Identifications of 50 Priority Research Questions in Paleoecology. Journal of Ecology. 102:256-267. Found Here

Sutherland, W.J. et al. 2013. Identification of 100 Fundamental Ecological Questions. Journal of Ecology. 101:58-67. Found Here

Szpak, P., T. J. Orchard, I. McKechnie, and D. R. Gröcke. 2012. Historical Ecology of Late Holocene Sea Otters (Enhydra lutris) from Northeastern British Columbia: Isotopic and Zooarchaeological Perspectives. Journal of Archaeological Science 39:1553-1571.

Welch, J. R., E. S. Brondízio, S. S. Hetrick, and C. E. A. Coimbra Jr. 2013. Indigenous Burning as Conservation Practice: Neotropical Savanna Recovery Amid Agribusiness Deforestation in Central Brazil. PLoS One 8:e81226.