Books, Monographs and Book Chapters
Kaufman, D. (2018, in press). Teaching and learning in medical education: How theory can inform practice. In Forrest, K. & O’Brien, B. (Eds.), Understanding medical education (3rd. Ed.). Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Kaufman, D., & Hausknecht, S. (2018). Collaboration between generations in alternate reality games. In V. R. Ulbricht, L. M. Fadel, & C. R. Batista (Eds.), Design para acessibilidade e inclusão [Design for accessibility and inclusion]. São Paulo, Brazil. doi:10.5151/9788580393040-03
Hausknecht, S., Zhang, F., Jeremic, J., Owens, H., & Kaufman D. (2017). Digging into game design for older adults: Collaborative user-centered design with postsecondary students (working title). In Selected papers, CSEDU 2017. Basel, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Dupláa, E., Kaufman, D., Sauvé, L., Renaud, L., & Ireland, A. (2017). Can mobile digital games benefit older adults’ health? In H. Marston, S. Freeman, & C. Musselwhite (Eds.), Mobile eHealth (pp. 115-146). New York: Springer International Publishing AG. doi:0.1007/978-3-319-60672-9_6
Sauvé, L., Renaud, L., Kaufman, D., & Dupláa, E. (2017). Can digital games help seniors improve their quality of life? In G. Costagliola, J. Uhomoibhi, S. Zvacek, & B. M McLaren (Eds.), Computer Supported Education: 8th International Conference, CSEDU 2016, Rome, Italy, April 21-23, 2016, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 179-192). Basel, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-63184-4_10
Hausknecht, S., Vanchu-Orosco, M., & Kaufman, D. (2017). Sharing life stories: Design and evaluation of a digital storytelling workshop for older adults. In G. Costagliola, J. Uhomoibhi, S. Zvacek, & B. M McLaren (Eds.), Computer Supported Education. CSEDU 2016. Communications in Computer and Information Science, v. 739 (pp. 497-512). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-63184-4_26
Zhang, F., Hausknecht, S., Schell, R., & Kaufman, D. (2017). Factors affecting the gaming experience of older adults in community and senior centres. In G. Costagliola, J. Uhomoibhi, S. Zvacek, & B. M McLaren (Eds.), Computer Supported Education: 8th International Conference, CSEDU 2016, Rome, Italy, April 21-23, 2016, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 464-475). Basel, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi:
Hausknecht, S., Neustaedter, C., & Kaufman, D. (2017). Blurring the lines of age: Intergenerational collaboration in alternate reality games. In M. Romero, K. Sawchuk, J. Blat, S. Sayago, & H. Ouellet (Eds.), Game-based learning across the lifespan: Cross-generational and age-oriented topics. New York: Springer.
Zhang, F., & Kaufman, D. (2016). Can playing Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs) improve older adults’ socio-psychological wellbeing? In S. Zvacek, M. T. Restivo, J. Uhomojbhj, & M. Helfert (Eds.), Computer Supported Education: 7th International Conference, CSEDU 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, May 23–25, 2015, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 504–522). Basel, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-29585-5_29
Hausknecht, S., Schell, R., Zhang, F., & Kaufman, D. (2015). Older adults’ digital gameplay: A follow-up study of social benefits. In M. Helfert, A. Holzinger, M. Ziefle, A. Fred, J. O'Donoghue, & C. Röcker (Eds.), Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health: First International Conference, ICT4AgeingWell 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, May 20–22, 2015. Revised Selected Papers (pp. 198–216). Berlin: Springer-Verlag
Kaufman, D., & Ireland, A. (2015). The potential of simulation for teacher assessment. In N. Maynes & B. E. Hatt (Eds.), The complexity of hiring, supporting, and retaining new teachers across Canada (pp. 113–127). Ottawa, ON: Canadian Association for Teacher Education.
Sauvé, L., Renaud, L, Kaufman D., & Duplàa, E. (2015). Ergonomic criteria for creating online educational games for seniors. In O. Sourina, D. Wortley, & S. Kim (Eds.), Subconscious learning via games and social media (pp. 115–134). Singapore: Springer.
Kaufman, D., & Mann, K.V. (2013). Teaching and learning in medical education: How theory can inform practice. In T. Swanwick (Ed.), Understanding medical education: Evidence, theory and practice (2nd ed.) (pp. 7–30). Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Zhang, H., & Kaufman, D. (2013). Virtual environments in education: Developments, applications and challenges. In S. Trautman & F. Julien (Eds.), Virtual environments: Developments, applications and challenges. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Kaufman, D. (2010). Theory in medical education. In R. Salerno-Kennedy & S. O’Flynn (Eds.), Medical education: The state of the art (pp. 11–17). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Kaufman, D. M., & Mann, K. V. (2010). Teaching and learning in medical education: How theory can inform practice. In T. Swanwick (Ed.), Understanding medical education: Evidence, theory and practice (pp. 16–36). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
Kaufman, D. (2010). Applying educational theory in practice. In P. Cantillon, & D. Wood (Eds.), ABC of learning and teaching in medicine, second – edition (pp. 1–5).London: Wiley-Blackwell.
Kaufman, D., & Sauvé, L. (Eds.) (2010). Educational gameplay and simulation environments: Case studies and lessons learned. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Sauvé, L., & Kaufman, D. (Eds.) (2010). Jeux et simulations dans le domaine de la santé [Games and simulations in the health domaine.]. Saint-Foi, Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Sauvé, L., Renaud, L., & Kaufman, D. (2010). Games, simulations, and simulation games for learning: Definitions and distinctions. In Kaufman, D., & Sauvé, L. (Eds.),Educational gameplay and simulation environments: Case studies and lessons learned (pp. 1–26). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Kaufman, D. (2010). Simulation in health professions education. In Kaufman, D., & Sauvé, L. (Eds.), Educational gameplay and simulation environments: Case studies and lessons learned (pp. 51–67). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Asgari, M., & Kaufman, D. (2010). Does fantasy enhance learning in digital games? In Kaufman, D., & Sauvé, L. (Eds.), Educational gameplay and simulation environments: Case studies and lessons learned (pp. 84–95). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Du, X., Campbell, S. R., & Kaufman, D. (2010). A study of biofeedback in a gaming environment. In Kaufman, D., & Sauvé, L. (Eds.), Educational gameplay and simulation environments: Case studies and lessons learned (pp. 326–344). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Schell, R., & Kaufman, D. (2010). Collaborative, Online, Multimedia, Problem-Based Simulations (COMPS). In Kaufman, D., & Sauvé, L. (Eds.), Educational gameplay and simulation environments: Case studies and lessons learned (pp. 271–285).Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Tsai, Y.F. L., & Kaufman, D. (2010). Handheld games: Can virtual pets make a difference? In Kaufman, D., & Sauvé, L. (Eds.), Educational gameplay and
Sauvé, L., Renaud, L., & Kaufman, D. (2010). Les jeux, les simulations et les jeux de simulation pour l’apprentissage : définitions et distinctions [Games, simulations and simulation games: Definitions and distinctions]. In Sauvé, L., & Kaufman, D. (Eds.), Jeux et simulations éducatifs : Études de cas et leçons apprises (pp. 13–42). Québec, Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Kaufman, D. (2010). Les simulations dans la formation des professionels de la santé [Simulation in health professions education]. In Sauvé, L., & Kaufman, D. (Eds.), Jeux et simulations éducatifs : Études de cas et leçons apprises (pp. 73–94).Québec, Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Asgari, M., & Kaufman, D. (2010). La fantaisie favorise-t-elle l’apprentissage dans le cas des jeux numériques? [Does fantasy enhance learning in digital games?] In Sauvé, L., & Kaufman, D. (Eds.), Jeux et simulations éducatifs : Études de cas et leçons apprises (pp. 117–132). Québec, Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Du, X., Campbell, S. R., & Kaufman, D. (2010). Pouvons-nous apprendre la rétroaction biologique au moyen d’un jeu vidéo? [Can we learn biofeedback by using a vidéo game?] In Sauvé, L., & Kaufman, D. (Eds.), Jeux et simulations éducatifs : Études de cas et leçons apprises (pp. 439–460). Québec, Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Schell, R., & Kaufman, D. (2010). La collaboration en ligne pour un apprentissage par problèmes (CLAP) [Collaborative, Online, Multimedia, Problem-Based Simulations (COMPS)]. In Sauvé, L., & Kaufman, D. (Eds.), Jeux et simulations éducatifs : Études de cas et leçons apprises (pp. 365–384). Québec, Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Tsai, Y.F. L., & Kaufman, D. (2010). Jeux pour consoles portables : les animaux de compagnie virtuels peuvent-ils avoir des effets positifs? [Handheld games: Can virtual pets make a difference?]. In Sauvé, L., & Kaufman, D. (Eds.), Jeux et simulations éducatifs : Études de cas et leçons apprises (pp. 407–420). Québec, Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Asgari, M., & Kaufman, D. (2009). Motivation, learning, and game design. In R.E. Ferdig (Ed.), Handbook of research on effective electronic gaming in education (pp. 1166–1182). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Ireland, A., & Kaufman, D. (2008). Computer-based games for learning. In S. Hirtz & D. Harper (Eds.), Education for a digital world: Advice, guidelines, and effective practice from around the globe (pp. 353–364). Vancouver, BC: Commonwealth of Learning.
Kaufman, D., Kelly, K., & Ireland, A. (2008). Supporting e-learning through communities of practice. In S. Hirtz & D. Harper (Eds.), Education for a digital world: Advice, guidelines, and effective practice from around the globe (pp. 475–488). Vancouver, BC: Commonwealth of Learning.
Asgari, M. & Kaufman, D. (2007). Designing educational computer games: What can we learn from commercial games? In Trim, P. R. J., & Lee, Y-I. (Eds.), The International Simulation & Gaming Research Yearbook, Volume 15: Effective Learning from Games and Simulations (pp. 33–51). Edinburgh: The Society for the Advancement of Simulations and Games in Education and Training (SAGSET).
Kaufman, D. M., & Mann, K.V. (2007). Teaching and Learning in Medical Education: How Theory Can Inform Practice (2nd ed.) [Monograph]. London, England: Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME).
Ireland, A., & Kaufman, D. (in press). Computer-based Games for Learning. In Harber, D., & Hirtz, S. (Eds.), A Practice Guide to Online Teaching and Learning (working title). Vancouver: BCcampus.
Campbell, K., & Kaufman, D. (2004). Transforming faculty culture through the instructional development process. In Matheos, K. (Ed.), Occasional Papers in Higher Education Number 12: Advances and Challenges in eLearning at Canadian Research Universities (pp. 17–26). Winnipeg, MN: Centre for Higher Education Research and Development (CHERD), University of Manitoba.
Kaufman, D. M., & Campbell, K. (2004). Instructional design in online education. In K. Matheos (Ed.), Occasional Papers in Higher Education Number 12: Advances and Challenges in eLearning at Canadian Research Universities (pp. 27–34). Winnipeg, MN: Centre for Higher Education Research and Development (CHERD), University of Manitoba.
Kaufman, D. M. (2003). Applying educational theory in practice. In P. Cantillon, L. Hutchinson, & D. Wood (Eds.), ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine (pp. 1–4). London: BMJ Publishing.
Kaufman, D. M., & Mann, K. V. (2001). I don’t want to be a groupie. In P. Schwartz, M. Stewart, & G. Webb (Eds.), Problem Based Learning: Case Studies, Experience and Practice (pp. 142–148). London: Kogan Page.
Baylis, F., Ireland, A., Kaufman, D. M., & Weijer, C. (2000). Protecting Human Research Subjects: Case-Based Learning for Canadian Research Ethics Boards and Researchers. Ottawa: The National Council of Ethics in Human Research (NCEHR).
Kaufman, D. M., Mann, K. V., & Jennett, P. (2000). Teaching and Learning in Medical Education: How Theory Can Inform Practice [monograph]. London, UK: Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME).
Holmes, D. B., & Kaufman, D. M. (1998). Tutoring in problem-based learning: a teacher development process. In J. A. Rankin (Ed.), Handbook on Problem-Based Learning. Lanham, MD: The Scarecrow Press Inc.