Book Chapters

Bai, H. (2017). Meditation on Wittgenstein and education. In J. Stickney & M. Peters (Eds.), A companion to Wittgenstein and education: Pedagogical investigations. New York: Springer. Chapter DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-3136-6_27

Bai, H., Beatch, M., Chang, D. & Cohen, A. (2017). Recaliberating mindfulness. In M. Powietrzynska & K. Tobin (Eds.), Weaving complementary knowledge systems and mindfulness to educate a literate citizenry for sustainable and healthy lives. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

Walsh, S. & Bai, H. (2017). Writing the cauldron as intersubjective practice. In O. Gunnlaugson, E. Sarath, C. Scott & H. Bai (Eds.). The intersubjective turn in contemplative education: Shared approaches for contemplative learning and inquiry across disciplines. New York, NY: State University of New York Press.

Lee, B., Bai, H., & Romanycia, S. (2017). Ethical-ecological holism for sacralizing science pedagogy: In honour of sea urchins. In M. Muller, D. J. Tippins & A. J. Stewart. (Eds.), Animals and science education. London, UK: Springer Publisher.

Lee, B., Bai, H. (2017). Science education in the key of gentle empiricism In K. Tobin & Bryan, L. (Eds.). 13 Questions in science education (pp. 85-98). New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Scott, C. & Bai, H. (in press). Bhakti yoga as intersubjective contemporary practice. The intersubjective turn in contemplative education: Shared approaches for contemplative learning and inquiry across disciplines. New York, NY: State University of New York Press.

Bai, H. & Scott, C. (accepted). Humus and humility. In H. Bai & D. Chang (Eds.), Ecovirtues. Regina, SK: University of Regina Press.

Bai, H., Morgan, P. Scott, C. & Cohen, A. (2016). Prolegomena to spiritual research paradigm: Importance of attending to the embodied and the subtle. In J. Lin, O. Qargha, R. Oxford & T. Culham (Eds.), Developing a spiritual research paradigm: Incorporating spirituality in research in the social sciences and education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Cohen, A., & Bai, H. (2016). Ancient and Medieval Sources of Therapy. In H. Miller (Ed.), Encylopedia of Theory in Psychology (pp. 28-30). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Eppert, C., Vokey, D., Nguyen, T. & Bai, H. (2016). Intercultural Philosophy and the Nondual Wisdom of 'Basic Goodness': Implications for Contemplative and Transformative Education. In O. Ergas & S. Todd (Eds.), Philosophy East/West: Exploring intersections between educational and contemplative practices. Wiley-Blackwell.

Bai, H. (2015). Buddhism at a system of education. T. McGinnity (Ed.), Lotus Petals in the Snow: Voices of Canadian Buddhist Women. Richmond, BC: The Sumeru Press.

Bai, H. (2015). Why is inquiry crucial for educational leadership? J. Portelli & D. Griffth (Eds.), Key Questions for Educational Leaders. Burlington, Ontario: Word & Deed Publishing.

Walsh, S. & Bai, H. (2014). Writing witness consciousness. In S. Walsh, B. Bickel, & C. Leggo (Eds.), Arts-based and contemplative practices in research and teaching: Honoring presence (pp. 22–44). New York: Routledge.

Cohen, A. & Bai, H. (2014). Suffering needs and loves company: Daoist and Zen perspectives on the counselor as companion. In D. Jardine, G. McCaffrey, & C. Gilham (Eds.). On the pedagogy of suffering: Hermeneutic and Buddhist Meditations. New York: Peter Lange.

Bai, H., Cohen, A. & Rabi, S. (2014), Post-individualist pedagogy: Relationship as teaching. In Deer, F., Falkenberg, T., McMillan, B., & Sims. L. (Eds.). Education for sustainable well-being: Concepts, issues, perspectives, and practices. Winnipeg, MB: Education for Sustainable Well-being Research Group.

Cohen, A., Bai, H., & Fiorini, K. The Self-Cultivation Model of Lifelong Learning: Toward Post-Egoic Development. In C. X. Wang (2014). Adult and Community Health Education: Tools, Trends and Methodologies (pp. 333–351). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Bai, H. Cohen, A., Culham, T., Park, S., *Rabi, S., Scott, C. & *Tait, S. (2014). A call for wisdom in higher education: Voices of contemplative inquiry. In Gunnlaugson, O., Sarath, E., Bai, H. & Scott, C. (Eds.) Contemplative approaches to learning and inquiry. New York: State University of New York Press.

Nilson, M., Broom, C., Provençal, J. & Bai, H. (2014). Towards inclusive and generative citizenship education. In J. Laker, C. Naval & Mrnjaus, K. (Eds.), Citizenship, democracy, and higher education in Europe, Canada and the USA. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

Broom, C. & Bai, H. (2014). Exploring Deweyan experiential learning pedagogy for citizenship development. In E. Aboagye (Ed.), Global citizenship and social justice education: Theory and practice in the field. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Cohen, A., Porath, M., Leggo, C., Bai, H. & Meyer, K. (2014). Speaking of learning: Recollections, revelations, and realizations. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

Cohen, A., Bai, H. & Fiorini, K. (2014). The self-cultivation model of lifelong learning: Towards authentic life. In V. Wang (Ed.), Adult and community health education: Tools, trends, and methodologies. Hershey, PENN: IGI Global.

Cohen, A., Fiorini, K., Culham, T., & Bai, H. (2013). The Circle of Leadership Integrity Within Business Organizations, in Stachowicz, A., & Amann, W. (Eds.), Integrity in organizations–Building the foundations for humanistic management. Palgrave Macmillan, a division of Macmillan Publishers.

Bai, H., Cohen, A. & Scott, C. (2013). Re-visioning higher education: The three-fold relationality framework. In J. Lin, R. Oxford & E. Brantmeier (Eds.), Re-envisioning higher education: Embodied paths to wisdom and social transformation. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.

Bai, H. (2013). Philosophy for education: Cultivating human agency. In W. Hare & J. Portelli (Eds.), Philosophy of Education: Introductory readings (4th edition). Calgary: Brush Education Inc.

Bai, H & Romanycia, S. (2013). Learning from hermit crabs, mycelia and banyan: Education, ethics, and ecology. In M. Brody, J. Dillon, R. B. Stevenson & A. E. J. Wals (Eds.), International handbook on research in environmental education (pp. 101–107). London: Routledge.

Cohen, A. & Bai, H. (2012). Minding what really matters: Relationship as teacher. In Chambers, C. Hasebe-Ludt, E. Sinner, A. & Leggo, C. (Eds.), A heart of wisdom: Life writing as empathic inquiry (pp. 257–266). New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Bai, H. (2012). Entering the field of being. In A. Cohen, et al., Speaking of teaching: Inclinations, inspirations, and innerworkings. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

Bai, H. (2009). Re-animating the universe: Environmental education and philosophical animism. In M. McKenzie, H. Bai, P. Hart & B. Jickling (Eds.), Fields of green: Restorying culture, environment, education (pp. 135–151). New Jersey: Hampton Press.

Cohen, A. & Bai, H. (2008). Suffering loves and needs company: Daoist and Zen perspectives on the counselor as companion. In D. Jardine, G. McCaffrey, & C. Gilham (Eds.), On the Pedagogy of Suffering: Hermeneutic and Buddhist Meditations. New York: Peter Lang Publishers.

Chinnery, A. & Bai, H. (2008). Levinas and responsibility. In D. Egea-Kuehne (Ed.), Levinas and education (pp. 228–241). London: Routledge.

Bai, H. & Cohen, A. (2007). Breathing qi, following dao: Transforming this violence-ridden world. In C. Eppert & H. Wang (Eds.), Cross-cultural studies in curriculum: Eastern thought and educational insights (pp. 35–54). Mahweh, N.J: Lawrence Earlbaum.

Bai, H. (2005). What is inquiry? In W. Hare & J. Portelli (Eds.), Key questions for educators (pp. 45–47). Halifax: EdPhil Books.

Bai, H. (2001). Cultivating democratic citizenship: Towards intersubjectivity. In W. Hare & J. P. Portelli (Eds.), Philosophy of education: Introductory readings (3rd ed.) (pp. 307–320). Calgary, AB: Detselig Enterprises Ltd.

Bai, H. (2001). Beyond educated mind: Towards a pedagogy of mindfulness. In B. Hockings, J. Haskell & W. Linds (Eds.), Unfolding bodymind: Exploring possibilities through education (pp. 86-99). Brandon, VT: The Foundation for Educational Renewal.

Chinnery, A. & Bai, H. (2000). Altering conceptions of subjectivity: A prelude to the more generous effluence of empathy. In M. Leicester (Ed.), Values and education in a pluralist society (pp. 86–94). London: Falmer Press.
