National and Regional

Nilson Levisohn, M., Cox, R., & Pidgeon, M. (2014, May). Voices in Transition. Panel presentation at the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education 2014 Annual Conference.

Nilson Levisohn, M. (2013, January). A developmental view on youth career aspirations. Presentation at the CANNEXUS13: National Career Development Conference, Ottawa, ON.

MED students and Nilson, M. (2010, October). Education Without Borders (EWOB).  Graduate Cohort Experiences: Opportunities and Challenges. Panel Presentation.

Nilson, M., Menzies, M., & Paterson, D. (2010, October). Whose space is it anyway? Perceptions of the role of power and community in the allocation of resources. Paper presentation at the 31st Annual Pacific Northwest Association for Institutional Research and Planning, Vancouver, BC.

Nilson, M. & Laitsch, D. (2008, May). Just Another NAFTAA: Teacher Education Policies Across North America. Paper presentation at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences CATE CSSE/CCGSE Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Conference at the 77th, Vancouver, BC.

Nilson, M. (2007, May). Beyond the Borders: Lessons from US State Merit Aid Policies. Presentation  at the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference. Saskatoon, SK.
