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Master of Science in Computing Science
The Master of Science (MSc) in Computing Science is a research-intensive program that has a primary emphasis on the MSc thesis. The program provides an environment for education in theoretical and applied Computer Science.
Through training in formal coursework and hands-on research in areas such as artificial intelligence, computer systems and networks, computer graphics, and data mining, graduates will be capable of working with integrity to design, improve, and apply cutting-edge computational techniques to support a career in academia, industry or the public sector.
Program at-a-glance
This program consists of course work and a thesis for a minimum of 33 units.
To earn a MSc degree in Computing Science, students must meet all breadth and depth requirements. To satisfy breadth requirements students must take the required number of credits/courses in specified breadth areas.
- Area I: Theoretical Computing Science
- Area II: Networks and Systems
- Area III: Artificial Intelligence
- Area IV: Databases, Data Mining, Computational Biology
- Area V: Graphics, HCI, Vision, and Visualization
Fulfillment of the research-oriented depth requirement is carried out with guidance and examination provided by the student's supervisory committee. Completion of the depth requirement involves defending a research thesis.
Thesis MSc students are required to demonstrate depth of knowledge in their research area through a thesis seminar and defense based on their independent work. Students should consult with members of their supervisory committee, and formulate and submit a written thesis proposal for approval. This should not be done any later than the end of the third term semester.
Program Requirements
Students must complete five graduate courses in computing science for a minimum of 15 units and:
- a thesis
- CMPT 898 - MSc Thesis (18)
Admission Requirements
Admission to the graduate programs in computer science is competitive: only the best qualified applicants are offered a seat. Therefore, it is imperative that students familiarize themselves with the admission requirements in order to ensure they submit a strong application.
The minimum requirements for admission to the MSc (Thesis) program:
a) a bachelor's degree from Simon Fraser University or its equivalent from a recognized institution with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0/4.33 (B),
b) The School's Graduate Admissions Committee may offer, at its discretion, M.Sc. admissions to exceptional students without an undergraduate degree in computer science or a related field. Students must demonstrate, at a minimum, competence in computer science at the third year level equivalent to CMPT 300 (Operating Systems 1), CMPT 307 (Data Structures and Algorithms) and CMPT 354 (Database Systems and Structures).
SFU minimum university admission requirements
All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the graduate general regulations (residence, course work, academic progress, supervision, research competence requirement, completion time, and degree completion), as well as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled.