
Jodi Viljoen, PhD
Associate Director

Graduate Students

Rachelle Yu, MA
PhD Student

Alexis Dawson, MA
PhD Student

Research Associates

Natalie Goulter, PhD
University Research Associate

IRYV Alumni

Dave Pasalich, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow (2012-2015)

Senior Lecturer, Research School of Psychology, The Australian National University

Fumito Takahashi, PhD
Visiting Professor (2018-2019)

Stephanie Craig, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow (2017-2020)

Postdoctoral Fellow, York University

Carla Oberth, PhD
Graduate Student (2014-2021)

Private practice & Maples Adolescent Treatment Centre

Yao Zheng, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow (2014-2016)

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Alberta

Sarah Anderson, PhD, R. Psych
Graduate Student (2013-2019)

BC Children's Hospital & private practice

David Schuberth, PhD
Graduate Student (2012-2021)

Private practice & Maples Adolescent Treatment Centre

Maeve Cyr, PhD
Graduate Student (2015-2022)

Postdoctoral Fellow, BC Children's Hospital & Private practice