2013 January

Welcome to the Spring 2013 Semester at the Language and Brain Lab!

This semester, we are continuing to do work on a number of projects, including the Cross Language Tone Perception (XLTP) study, the Auditory and Articulatory Priming Effects on the Perception and Production of Speech Sounds (3PO) study, the Pitch-Gesture (PG) study, the Musical Ability in Bilinguals (MAB) study.

If you would like to participate in any of these studies as a subject, visit the Participants Needed section of the LABlab site to see if you qualify. We need lots of participants, so don't be shy - email us today for more information.

Participants receive $10/hour, with our gratitude for your participation in furthering language research!

January 9th, 2013

Welcome Dr. Haisheng Jiang to our Lab as the new Lab Coordinator

This semester, we are welcoming Dr. Haisheng Jiang to be our new Lab Coordinator. He finished his PhD degree in Linguistics at SFU and is now teaching Mandarin Chinese at SFU.