Kelley Lee | Pandemics and Borders: How to Manage Travel Restrictions More Effectively

Health, Education + Research, 2021, PFL 2020-2021, President's Faculty Lectures

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of countries adopting travel restrictions, and the types of measures used to restrict travel, have been unprecedented. In some countries, including Canada, restrictions have also been imposed on domestic travel. While many people have supported travel restrictions to control the spread of the coronavirus across different jurisdictions, there has also been strong opposition to the substantial economic and social disruptions they cause.

Decision-making on whether and when to adopt or lift travel restrictions, especially during a fast-moving public health emergency involving a novel pathogen, is a complex challenge. How might these decisions be supported in the future through improvements in available data and methods for weighing trade-offs between public health and other policy goals?

Tue, 01 Jun 2021

Online event

The President's Faculty Lectures

The President’s Faculty Lectures shine a light on the research excellence at Simon Fraser University. Hosted by the SFU president, these free public lectures celebrate cutting-edge research and faculty that engage with communities and mobilize knowledge to make real-world impacts.

Kelley Lee

Kelley Lee (DPhil, FFPH, FCAHA, FRSC) is a Professor and Canada Research Chair in Global Health Governance in the Faculty of Health Sciences at SFU. Her research focuses on collective action to address the impacts of globalization on population health and disease. Trained in international political economy and public administration, she has received grants from the US National Institutes of Health, Canadian Institutes for Health Research, New Frontiers for Research Fund, Wellcome Trust and others. She has chaired a WHO scientific resource group, co-directed a WHO Collaborating Centre and served as Associate Dean. She has published more than 200 papers, more than 60 book chapters, and 15 books.

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