
Are you involving any volunteers in your event process? Here are some things to consider:

  • What opportunities/skills/benefits will they get from volunteering with you?
  • Can you provide them with honorariums?
  • Will the opportunity be a good use of their time?
  • How diverse is the makeup of your volunteer team?
  • What training and support will you need to provide your volunteers so they can do a good job?

Planning ahead will help you determine what your volunteers’ tasks will be. How much are you asking of them? We recommend having one point of contact for your volunteers, holding a time and space for volunteers to ask questions, and considering your volunteers’ access needs as well.

Here are some more considerations for creating an accessible and inclusive volunteer experience:

  • Consider providing volunteer honorariums, especially for students and other people facing employment precarity or hardship. Unpaid volunteering is often one of the only ways that many people, including students, refugees, and others, are able to gain experience in different sectors. This places a burden on people who may already be struggling financially.
  • Make sure volunteers feel adequately supported and trained, and that they know who to go to if there are issues. 
  • Consider your volunteers’ access needs as well—the same accessibility principles you consider for participants and speakers should be applied to volunteers.
  • Provide volunteers with opportunities to give their feedback to you—checking in with them during the event, following up on their experience afterwards, etc.
  • Make it easy for volunteers to access and apply for your volunteer opportunities. Reach out widely in the community, and not just within specific institutions.
  • Build relationships with your volunteers and show your appreciation for them. Volunteers are often treated differently than paid staff, but it’s important to recognize that they are also investing their time and labour as part of your team.
  • Empower prospective volunteers by asking how you can support them. The experience should be rewarding for them as well.
  • It’s always nice to provide food for your volunteers!