Community Engagement

SFU International facilitates the university’s international community engagement, including through international development, social responsibility networks, diaspora, international community engagement at home, and the coordination of the university’s refugee and newcomer-related engagement.

SFU is committed to working with the community to develop and implement refugee-related initiatives, programs and public events.


  • The Refugee Livelihood Lab

A three year collaborative innovation process which brings leaders in diverse positions in the refugee integration system together to create new initiatives and ventures that answer the question, “How might refugee communities move from survival to meaningful livelihoods?” 

-> Learn More

Collaboration with Local Immigration Partnerships (LIPs) and Service Providers

The SFU Refugee and Newcomer Advisory Committee (RNAC) works closely with the LIPs in Vancouver Immigration Partnership, Burnaby Intercultural Planning Table, and Surrey Local Immigration Partnership as well as Burnaby Together: Coalition Against Racism and Hate. Through consultations and partnerships, SFU and LIPs collaborate to develop and implement programs related to refugee engagement and support.