Looking to get in touch with one of our team members? SFU Guest Accommodations is here to help you with all of your needs. Contact us and one of our team members would be happy to assist you to find what you are looking for.
6:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. - Regular hours and services
11:00 p.m. - 6:00 a.m. - Overnight hours and limited services:
(Response time will be delayed)
- Walk-in bookings well not be accepted between 10:30 p.m. - 6:00 a.m.
- Noise complaints
- Lockouts
- Overnight guest services (late check ins only)
For general inquiries and individual guest bookings
- 778-782-4503
- stayhere@sfu.ca
For long term bookings and meeting room inquires
- 778-782-6732
- guest_services@sfu.ca
If the Residence and Housing Administration office is closed, emergency supports are available through:
- Emergency Services 9-1-1
- Campus Public Safety
Urgent Line 778-782-4500
Non-Urgent 778-782-7991
Residence Administration, 2000 SFU Residence Phase 2
8888 University Drive SFU
Burnaby BC, V5A 1S6