Registering with CAL

Any enrolled SFU student with a documented or suspected disability should come in and speak with a Disability Access Advisor at the CAL. Meeting with a Disability Access Advisor will help you learn about your disability-related educational needs and what the CAL has to offer. Even if you are not determined to be eligible for academic accommodations or services, we can direct you to helpful resources around campus.

Accommodations are not automatic for students with disabilities

Accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis and there are responsibilities that you have to meet in order to secure them. You should be aware that you may not receive all the accommodations you request, nor will you necessarily receive the accommodations you had in high school or at any other educational institutions. 

Establishing Accommodations

Downloadable PDF of "Establishing Accommodations."

This document outlines the five steps that SFU students seeking academic accommodations must follow in order to establish and utilize their accommodations. Steps 1,2, and 3 involve establishing accommodations while steps 4 and 5 involve utilizing accommodations. Please note that steps 1, 2, and 3 outlined within this document must be completed by week 10 of the term.

Step 1: Complete the Application for Services Form Online

If you are unable to access the online form, please email us at to request a PDF version of the application.

Step 2: Submit Documentation

Please provide documentation of your disability so that a Disability Access Advisor may determine entitlement to services and gain additional insight into the specific functional limitations you experience. 

CAL has a Verification of Disability Form to capture the specific information needed for documenting disabilities. If you already have documentation that was obtained for another purpose, CAL can accept a copy if it contains equivalent information and meets the requirments outlined in the CAL Document Checklist.

You may also refer to our Disability Documentation Page for more information.

Step 3: Meet with a CAL Disability Access Advisor for an Intake Appointment

Before you attend your Intake Appointment, you may wish to read about Meeting with a Disability Access Advisor for tips on what to expect during your appointment and some important questions you may want to ask.

Step 4: Activate your Accommodations Online (if eligible)

Once your Disability Access Advisor has determined your eligibility for accommodations, you will use an online system to send notifications of these accommodations to your instructors. You must do so for each class and renew them every term.

Step 5: Book your Accommodated Tests Online

In order to access accommodations for tests, you must book each test on our online system within our deadlines – 1 week prior to each test/midterm, and 2 weeks before the start of the final exam period.

Please contact us if you have any questions! Call 778.782.3112 or email