Honouring Homeland and Her Beings: Weaving Conference 2009

Gracie Kelly lives in Sto:lo First Nations territory, and is from the Soowahlie Band, Cultus Lake, BC. She believes we were all brought to solh temexw (mother earth) to share the particular gifts that were given to us.

Gracie’s special gift is working with slewy, (cedar bark, upriver Sto:lo Halq'emeylem). Believing learning comes from engaging experience, Gracie is passionate about teaching Sto:lo traditions and teachings through cultural hands on activities for all ages. Her particular interests are cedar bark, weaving, beading, sharing stories, photography,
language, drumming and singing, drum making, rattle making, and the list goes on.

“I hold up my hands to all those who have taken on their special gifts and have shared this knowledge at the SFU 
weaving workshop”.