
Convocation is an exciting and proud moment to mark the achievements of our graduands. Family and friends are invited to share in that excitement by joining us at convocation.

Prior to arriving guests should review our know before you go information and policies.

Guest tickets

Graduands will be guaranteed up to 3 guest tickets for their ceremony if they claim their tickets in round 1 by the deadline. Physical printed or e-tickets are required for all guests to enter Convocation Mall for the ceremonies. Additional tickets may come available. 

Read more about guest tickets and better understand the ticketing timeline, graduand claiming instructions, and how your tickets will be shared with you. 

Can't attend?

All ceremonies are livestreamed on YouTube to accommodate graduands, family, and friends who are unable to attend in-person. They are also available for on-demand viewing following the ceremonies. Links to watch the ceremonies are published on the convocation homepage the week of the ceremonies. 

Know before you go

What to bring

  • Eventbrite ticket with QR code (see more information below)
  • Blanket (for cooler weather) 
  • Dress in layers and wear appropriate footwear
  • Filled water bottle 

What not to bring

Due to space limitations and to ensure a safe environment for all, please do not bring the following items into Convocation Mall: 

  • Bags, purses, backpacks, etc. larger than 6.5" x 8.5" (see SFU's Bag Policy below) 
  • Balloons, confetti or streamers 
  • Gifts 
  • Pets (excluded: certified service/guide animals) 


Each guest must bring a printed or a electronic copy of their ticket with a QR code to the ceremony to be admitted. There is no way for guests to pick up their tickets on-site. Ticket(s) will be scanned at the entrance to Convocation Mall and can only be scanned once.

Parking and transportation

Complimentary parking is available in the North Lot for graduands and guests.

Accessible parking is available in the Central Parkade located under Convocation Mall (there is an elevator in the Maggie Benston Centre).

We advise you to arrive early, car pool or take public transit. Due to high volumes of people on campus, it can take up to 30 minutes to find parking and walk to Convocation Mall.

More information }


Follow the signage to Convocation Mall, have your tickets scanned and find your seat(s). 

  • Convocation Mall will open at:
    • 8:45 a.m. for the morning ceremony 
    • 1:30 p.m. for the afternoon ceremony
  • Ceremonies start at:
    • 9:45 a.m. for the morning ceremony 
    • 2:30 p.m. for the afternoon ceremony


Ceremonies are held in Convocation Mall which is outdoors and covered. Unpredictable west coast weather can mean we experience rain, wind, cold and hot fronts. Guests should check the weather before attending to ensure they are comfortable during the ceremony.

We strongly encourage you to dress appropriately. If it is cool, wear layers and consider bringing a blanket. If it's warm, bring a water bottle. A water station can be found outside Convocation Mall.

Accessible seating

Any guests who has indicated they need to be seated in the accessible area, should arrive early and identify themselves to an usher once inside Convocation Mall. NOTE: due to limited space, up to 1 additional guest may accompany someone in the accessible seating area.

Only certified service/guide animals may accompany graduands and guests with disabilities at convocation. 

Retail services

Visit the following retails services while at convocation:

  • SFU's Spirit Shop - offering a wide selection of official SFU clothing, giftware and credential/degree frames in the Diamond Family Auditorium.
  • SFU Bookstore - Additional SFU products and gifts in the Maggie Benston Centre.
  • Flower Merchant - selling bouquets of sustainable flowers in Freedom Square and in the entrance area of Convocation Mall.
  • Artona - for professional graduation photos in the James Douglas Study Area.


SFU Bag Policy

To ensure a safe environment for our guests and graduands and to align with industry standards, Simon Fraser University has implemented a restricted bag policy. We strongly encourage you not to bring bags of any kind, gifts, or any other large items.

Only the following bags are permitted in the guest seating area of Convocation Mall:

  • Clutch purse or belt bag no larger than 6.5” x 8.5”
  • Clear plastic bag (including clear plastic freezer bags) no larger than 12” x 12” x 6”

Exceptions may be provided for diaper bags for guests with a young child and medically necessary items. These bags will be subject to search prior to being brought into Convocation Mall.

Bags larger than those outlined above will not be permitted into the seating area. A first-come-first-served complimentary bag concierge service will be available near the entrances at the back of Convocation Mall. Bag storage is at the sole risk of the depositor and Simon Fraser University and its staff are not liable for loss or damage.

Latecomer policy

Guests may be held outside and not able to enter Convocation Mall for short periods once the ceremony has begun for ceremonial aspects. Thank you for understanding.

Personal photography/recording policy

Photography and recording are permitted throughout the ceremonies but must be taken while seated. To ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for all, guests may not stand, move to the aisles, or the front to capture photos or videos. A recording of the ceremony will be archived.

Privacy policy

Convocation is an event that is photographed and video recorded by Simon Fraser University for archival, educational, and related promotional purposes. By attending or participating in this event, you are giving your consent to be photographed and/or video recorded. 

If you do not wish to be photographed and/or video recorded, please speak to an usher. View the full SFU Privacy Notice.  

Inviting guests from outside of Canada?

If you wish to invite guests from outside Canada, please download and review Inviting Guests to Visit.