International Conferences

Chinnery, A. (2014, June) From professional expert to professional educator. ProPEL Conference on Professional Learning, University of Stirling, UK.

Chinnery, A. (2014, March) Playing the hand we’ve been dealt: On constitutive luck and moral education. Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, Albuquerque, NM.

Chinnery, A. (2013, March) On epistemic vulnerability and open-mindedness. Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, Portland, OR.Chinnery, A. (2012, March) On “what happens between us” and the experience of being addressed: A response to Gert Biesta. Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, Pittsburgh, PA.

Chinnery, A. (2012, March) Temple or forum: On new museology and education for social change. Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, Pittsburgh, PA.

Chinnery, A. (2011, March) On history education and the moral demands of remembrance. Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, St. Louis, MO.

Chinnery, A. (2010, April) What good does all this remembering do, anyway?” On historical consciousness and the responsibility of memory. Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, San Francisco, CA.

Chinnery, A. (2010, March) Encounting the philosopher as teacher: On Levinas and teacher education. Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, Oxford, UK.

Chinnery, A., Sensoy, Ö., & Walton, G. (2008, November). Challenging “studied ignorance.” Panel presented at the National Association for Multicultural Education Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Chinnery, A. (2008, April). Premodern postures for a postmodern ethics: On resistant texts and moral education. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, Cambridge, MA.

Chinnery, A. (2007, November). Literature and the cultivation of ethical relation across difference. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Moral Education, New York City, NY.

Chinnery, A. (2007, January). Revisiting “The Master’s Tools”:  Troubling the ideal of cross-cultural teacher education. 4th International Conference on Teacher Education and Social Justice, Chicago, IL.

Chinnery, A. (2006, November). The high cost of classroom community: On the erasure of difference and diversity in teacher education. Paper presented at the International Conference on Teacher Education, Calgary, AB.

Chinnery, A. (2006, October). Finding their passion: A case study in fostering teacher leadership and social responsibility in preservice teacher education. Paper presented at the 11th Annual Values and Leadership Conference, Victoria, BC.

Chinnery, A. (2006, April). On compassion and community without identity: Implications for moral education. Paper presented at the meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Chinnery, A. (2005, November). On empathy and the erasure of difference in moral education. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Moral Education, Cambridge, MA.

Chinnery, A.  (2005, March). Cold case: Reopening the file on tolerance in teaching and learning across difference. Paper presented at the meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, San Francisco, CA.

Egéa-Kuehne, D., Bai, H., Biesta, G., Chinnery, A., Edgoose, J., Eppert, C., Garrison, J., Gregoriou, Z., Joldersma, C., and Todd., S. (2005, March). Panel, debate and discussion: Contributors to Denise Egéa-Kuehne, ed., Levinas and education: At the intersection of faith and reason. Panel presentation at the meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, San Francisco, CA.

Chinnery, A. (2001, October). Response and responsibility:  Invoking Levinas in the classroom. Roundtable session presented at the meeting of the Association for Moral Education, Vancouver, BC.

Chinnery, A. (2001, March).  Asymmetry and the pedagogical I-Thou.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, Chicago, IL.

Chinnery, A. & Bai, H. (2000, July). From interbeing to social responsibility.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Moral Education, Glasgow, Scotland.

Chinnery, A. (2000, April).  Levinas and ethical agency:  Toward a reconsideration of moral education.  General session paper presented at the meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, Toronto, ON.
