National and Regional Conferences

Chinnery, A. (2016, June) Epistemic humility and generosity in dialogue across religious difference. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society, Calgary, AB. 

Chinnery, A., Rocha, S., and Joldersma, C. (2016, March) Pope Francis education, and ecology: A discussion of Laudato Si. Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, Toronto, ON. 

Chinnery, A. (2014, May) Toward a philosophy of teacher education. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society, St. Catharines, ON.

Chinnery, A. (2013, June) Putting it into a book: Foundations in teacher education and learning. (panel presentation with S. Bullock and T. Christou, eds.). Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Foundations of Education, Victoria, BC.

Chinnery, A., Brayne, R., and Neufeld, P. (2012, May) Teacher education in a digital age. Annual meeting of the Canadian Association for Teacher Education, Waterloo, ON.

Chinnery, A., and Ruitenberg, C. (2011, October) Teaching on the threshold: Hospitality in Song Dong’s “Waste Not.” Provoking Curriculum Conference, Edmonton, AB.

Chinnery, A. (2010, June) Encountering the philosopher as teacher: Levinas’s years at the ENIO. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society, Montreal, QC.

Chen, R.H. & Chinnery, A. (2010, June) The moral potential of disconnection: Understanding the development of moral agency through an experience of social unsettlement. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Foundations in Education, Montreal, QC.Chinnery, A. (2009, May) The unbearable burden of intellectual indebtedness: On Levinas and Heidegger. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society, Ottawa, ON.

Chinnery, A. (2007, May) It’s still all about us: Troubling the ideal of cross-cultural teacher education. Paper presented at the meeting of the Canadian Association for Teacher Education, Saskatoon, SK.

Kovacs, P. and Chinnery, A. (2007, May) “If English was good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for me”: Promoting understanding or linguistic imperialism? Paper presented at the meeting of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society, Saskatoon, SK.

Wimmer, R., Chinnery, A., & Morrison, M. (2007, May). Breaking the silence: Teacher observations of behaviour affecting gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students and staff in Saskatchewan secondary schools: Part II. Paper presented at the meeting of the Canadian Association for the Study of Educational Administration, Saskatoon, SK. *Winner of the 2007 CSSE New Scholar Fellowship.

Jewell, L., Morrison, M.A., Chinnery, A., Wimmer, R., & Cochrane, D. (2006, June). Are sexual minority students welcome in high schools? Teachers’ perceptions of school climate for GLBT students. Paper presented at the 67th Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Calgary, AB.

Chinnery, A. (2006, February). On similarity, difference and the language of classroom community. Paper presented at the meeting of the Western Canadian Association for Student Teaching, Vancouver, BC.

Vokey, D., Chinnery, A., Kerr, D., & Okshevsky, W. (2005, May). Teaching philosophy of education to/for teachers:  The conversation continues. Panel presentation at the meeting of the Canadian Association of Foundations of Education, London, ON.

Wimmer, R., & Chinnery, A. (2005, May). Breaking the silence: Teacher observations of behaviour affecting gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students and staff in Saskatchewan secondary schools. Paper presented at the meeting of the Canadian Association for the Study of Educational Administration, London, ON.

Chinnery, A. (2005, April). Planting pillars in quicksand: Revisiting ‘Values and ethics’ and educating for moral responsibility. Paper presented at the Tenth National Congress on Rural Education, Saskatoon, SK.

Chinnery, A. (2005, February). On empathy and the erasure of difference. Paper presented at the meeting of the Western Canadian Association for Student Teaching, Saskatoon, SK.

McVittie, J., Chinnery, A., Soleil, N., & Panko, M. (2005, February). Integrating cohort curricula in middle years education:  A team approach. Panel presentation at the meeting of the Western Canadian Association for Student Teaching, Saskatoon, SK.

Ruitenberg, C., & Chinnery, A. (2002, February). Address unknown:  On the necessary inadequacy of the responsible response. Paper presented at the meeting of the Western Canadian Association for Student Teaching, Vancouver, BC.

Chinnery, A. (2000, June). “Here I Am”:  Levinas’s responsive ethics and moral education. Paper presented at the meeting of the Northwest/Far West Philosophy of Education Society, Vancouver, BC.
