
Scholarly Service

Member, Faculty of Education Undergraduate Committee (2024 - 2026)

Course leader, Online Learning Hub, Faculty of Education. Supporting faculty members with teaching OL courses; facilitating workshops and community-building meetings, developing resources, (2023 – 2024)

Pilot member, Online Learning Hub.  OL (Online Learning) Course Development:  EDUC 100 OL Selected Issues and Questions in Education, EDUC 199 OL Finding Voice and Place in Academia, EDUC 437 OL Ethical Issues in Education (2021 – present)

Peer reviewer, Holistice Education Review,  Journal of Contemplative and Holistic Education (2023 - present)

Member, Institute of Environmental Learning, (2019-present)

Member, Academic Council, Centre for Imagination in Research, Culture and Education (CIRCE), Simon Fraser University, 2019-2021

Peer reviewer, Lasczik, A., Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, A. & Rousell, D. (Eds.) (2023). Walking as Critical Inquiry.  Springer.

Conference proposals reviewer, North American Association for Environmental Education Conference (2014)

Service to the Arts Community

Member, Education Committee, Fort Gallery, Fort Langley, 2019

Member, Fort Gallery Artist Collective, 2015–2019

Poetry Contest Judge, Pandora’s Collective Literary Outreach Society, 2018 (with Heidi Greco)

Exhibition CuratorLosing home, finding hope: An exhibition on migration and home/habitat loss, Fort Gallery, Fort Langley, 2018

Events Coordinator, First Thursday Cultural Evenings , Fort Gallery, Fort Langley, 2015 – 2018

Focus Group Participant, Cultural Forum, City of Maple Ridge Cultural Plan, 2017

Teacher Ecological Art series, Grade 2, Yennadon Elementary, Maple Ridge, 2014

Art teacher (as parent volunteer) Yennadon Elementary, Maple Ridge, Grades 2, 3 & 5, 2009 – 2011

Art teacher (as parent volunteer), Riverside Elementary, Maple Ridge, Grades K – 4, 2005 – 2009

Facilitator of exchange exhibitions between Galerie Mladych u Recickych, Prague (1995) and Vancouver Access Artist Run Centre (1996)

Assistant coordinator/curator Status Nascendi, a site-specific exhibition in 12th Century Cathedral ruin, Kolin, Czech Republic, 1994

Facilitator Gallery in the Schools , Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, 1995

Member, Gallery committee, Department of Visual Arts, UVic, 1993

Member, Catalogue publication committee, Department of Visual Arts, UVic, 1993