Real-Time Synchronous Video Environment for Multi-Campus Teaching: A User Study

Wynnie Chung

Michael Filimowicz

Grant program: Teaching and Learning Development Grant (TLDG)

Grant recipient: Michael Filimowicz, School of Interactive Arts and Technology

Project team: Wynnie Chung, research assistant

Timeframe: September 2014 to March 2015

Funding: $2,000

Course addressed: IAT 313 – Narrative and New Media

View: SFU Virtual Campus Promo video with Michael Filimowicz

Final report: View Michael Filimowicz's final report (PDF)

Description: The main purpose of the project is to increase student, teaching assistant and instructor interest and engagement with multi-campus teaching, as made capable by the video streaming installations at Harbour Centre and Surrey Campus. One of the goals of the project is to raise the profile of this technology. Other goals include optimal user experience design, with “users” here being: 1) the students 2) the teaching assistants and 3) the instructor. A user study would contribute to the optimum design, performance, use and integration of this technology for SFU courses that could be held concurrently at Surrey and Downtown campuses.

I was the first to teach a multi-campus course at SFU (IAT 313 Narrative and New Media, Spring 2013). I will be teaching this course, and this course format, again in Fall 2014 and Spring 2015. I would rely on core user study methods by hiring a School of Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT) grad student. Our focus would be on modifying already existent validated user study instruments such as the Blended Learning Environment Questionnaire. Blended Learning Environment Questionnaire measures student perceptions of their blended learning environment. It includes items related to teaching online, online resource design, workload, and interactivity (Kember and Ginns, 2012).

Reference: Kember, D., & Ginns P. (2012). Evaluating teaching and learning: A practical handbook for colleges, universities and the scholarship of teaching. Abingdon: Routledge

Questions addressed:

For Students:

  • How is the experience of a multi-campus course different from regular courses?
  • Are those differences positive, negative or neutral?
  • What changes might make this technology contribute to a more positive experience?

For Teaching Assistants:

  • Does the interface to the technology allow for you to simultaneously perform your usual TA roles, while also operating the multi-campus video technology?

For Instructor:

  • Is there any impact or change on teaching style due to this technology?
  • Does the technology adequately meet the goal of being “transparent” to the instructor’s mode of engaging students?
  • How can the interface design of this technology be improved?

Knowledge sharing: I would disseminate the user study findings in conference proceedings, plus on the web platforms of the School of Interactive Arts and Technology and the Institute for the Study of Teaching and Learning in the Disciplines.
